Tales of Arterra - The Awakening

There is a bug running Arterra: Awakening on NWN EE. The transition from Chap 1 to Chap 2 doesn't preserve your companions and they are not where there supposed to be. I have played the module in the past and it worked fine then. Looks like a bug with NWN EE and wonder if any one has played the module and solved the issue?
You have to load save from *before* entering the portal to the temple.
what do you mean by that? the module does have romances for both male and female characters.
"Netural" was supposed to be "neutral." As in, the NPC's will react to a female PC the same as they would with a male. But now that I think about it, I don't think any changes like that were used in Part 2 anyhow.