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Viconia romance help TOB (spoilers maybe)

Hey everyone! So I finished Shadows of Amn and did the romance with Viconia, and from what I saw It should pick up in Throne of Bhaal after one hour or so because of a timer, but I am going to get Yaga-Shura's heart and she hasn't spoken a word. I know the romance is on because fake Gorion commented about it. Should I wait more? Should I check with EEkeeper? Please help.

Thank you for your time!


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,969
    The initial timer should be (real-time) EIGHT_HOURS, which I believe is actually 48 minutes.

    The key variables are ViconiaRomanceActive (global, should be 2 throughout), ExpLoveTalk (local to Viconia, increments by 2 for each talk), and the global timer variable ExpViconiaRomance. The initial setup also uses a variable BeginRomanceTimer (local to Viconia).

    If the expansion romance has properly started, BeginRomanceTimer should be 1, ExpLoveTalk should be something greater than 1, ViconiaRomanceActive should be 2, and ExpViconiaRomance should be showing some big number. It's possible some of these are off because of a glitch - go ahead and check with EEKeeper.
  • Lysandroth390Lysandroth390 Member Posts: 40
    The key variables are ViconiaRomanceActive (global, should be 2 throughout), ExpLoveTalk (local to Viconia, increments by 2 for each talk), and the global timer variable ExpViconiaRomance. The initial setup also uses a variable BeginRomanceTimer (local to Viconia).

    Where is those options? I'm new with EEkeeper, is It in global?

  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,969
    Some of those variables are in the "global" tab (which is the same regardless of which character you view it from), while others are in Viconia's "local" tab. I indicated which are which in what I wrote.
  • Lysandroth390Lysandroth390 Member Posts: 40
    jmerry wrote: »
    Some of those variables are in the "global" tab (which is the same regardless of which character you view it from), while others are in Viconia's "local" tab. I indicated which are which in what I wrote.

    How do I access the Viconia local tab? I am really newbie when It comes to EEkeeper.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,969
    Here's a picture, using one of my own saves as an example:
    Scroll to the appropriate character, select the appropriate tab.
  • Lysandroth390Lysandroth390 Member Posts: 40
    Right, so, there is lovetalk which is in 77, ViconiaRomanceActive is 2 and ViconiaRomance ia 2415352. I can send a picture If you want, it will have to be with my phone's camera though.
  • Lysandroth390Lysandroth390 Member Posts: 40
    jmerry wrote: »
    Here's a picture, using one of my own saves as an example:
    Scroll to the appropriate character, select the appropriate tab.

    So, now I saw that lovetalk and explovetalk are different things. Can't find this ExpLoveTalk though, is It in local variables? Or somewhere else?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,969
    Those are the SoA variables; the only one that still matters in ToB is ViconiaRomanceActive. It's ExpLoveTalk that tracks the progress of the ToB romance, and ExpViconiaRomance that acts as the timer variable to space things out. Note that if you don't see a variable, it hasn't been initialized - anything that checks for its value will see a zero.
  • Lysandroth390Lysandroth390 Member Posts: 40
    jmerry wrote: »
    Those are the SoA variables; the only one that still matters in ToB is ViconiaRomanceActive. It's ExpLoveTalk that tracks the progress of the ToB romance, and ExpViconiaRomance that acts as the timer variable to space things out. Note that if you don't see a variable, it hasn't been initialized - anything that checks for its value will see a zero.

    Right, but I can't find the ExpLoveTalk or the ExpViconiaRomance. Should I just add both? If so, where?
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
    Might as well add that romances are not fixed.. they were infamously glitchy back in the vanilla days, with things like this happening. If you google you'll find tons of threads dating back 20 years where people seek answers to make the romances work.. although they are fairly stable now.

    However on my last playthrough my Jaheira romance just died for no good reason because a necessary character wouldn't spawn and have a few interjections.. force spawning this char didn't fix it either, so it can be a bit hit and miss.

    I see you've gotten some help and i can't really add much to it as i've not used the EEKeeper for this.. the variables were different back in the vanilla days.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,969
    So they're effectively zero, and nothing has started. All right, let's set things up to where they should have been as soon as you entered ToB with Viconia in your party.

    Variable "BeginRomanceTimer" (local, Viconia): add/set to 1. This is just so that initial script block that didn't work won't fire again.
    Variable "ExpLoveTalk" (local, Viconia): add/set to 1.
    Variable "ExpViconiaRomance" (global): add/set to 1. This is a "do it right away" value; I'm not reproducing the initial wait.

    The first love talk should then happen right away. Or maybe after a rest.
  • Lysandroth390Lysandroth390 Member Posts: 40
    jmerry wrote: »
    So they're effectively zero, and nothing has started. All right, let's set things up to where they should have been as soon as you entered ToB with Viconia in your party.

    Variable "BeginRomanceTimer" (local, Viconia): add/set to 1. This is just so that initial script block that didn't work won't fire again.
    Variable "ExpLoveTalk" (local, Viconia): add/set to 1.
    Variable "ExpViconiaRomance" (global): add/set to 1. This is a "do it right away" value; I'm not reproducing the initial wait.

    The first love talk should then happen right away. Or maybe after a rest.


    Nothing still, did i set It right? None of these variables were there before.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,969
    At this point ... I don't know what the problem is. You've made the changes I thought would work.
  • Lysandroth390Lysandroth390 Member Posts: 40
    edited July 2020
    jmerry wrote: »
    At this point ... I don't know what the problem is. You've made the changes I thought would work.

    Well thank you so much for the patience and at least trying to help me. I will do the Irenicus battle again and go to Throne of Bhaal and in the pocket plane set the timer to 1, maybe that will change something. Thank you again and have a amazing night.

    Edit: right, so that worked! Did the Irenicus battle and now the dialogue popped.
    Post edited by Lysandroth390 on
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