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Those who pre-ordered the game prior to the original release date

Hell I would like to know what are we getting for pre-ordering the game prior to 09/18/2012.


  • agentmulderagentmulder Member Posts: 114
    I got $2 discount... It's fine by me.

    I want to known what we will get for the delay on the delivery (it was promised some kind of compensation)
  • Wonderboy2402Wonderboy2402 Member Posts: 121
    What were you expecting?
  • agentmulderagentmulder Member Posts: 114
    "To all who have pre-ordered, we ask for your patience as we move toward our final release date -- and we will be working on something a little extra for you. To all who have volunteered, we thank you for your dedication and support. "
  • sledgefangsledgefang Member Posts: 42
    That's exactly it. I just found that thread but you found it first. Thanks.
  • agentmulderagentmulder Member Posts: 114
    I don't care if it's not ready yet. If they announce what it is and a estimate delivery date, I'm totally ok.
  • ST4TICStrikerST4TICStriker Member Posts: 162
    The extra is for everyone, not just those who Pre-ordered
  • agentmulderagentmulder Member Posts: 114
    edited November 2012

    Response by PhillipDaigle:

    I think there's some confusion here, or Trent may have misspoke - it's not that only people who pre-ordered will get an extra bonus, but rather than with the additional time we've added some things that we weren't going to add. Unfortunately they're both not yet finished, but one will be going out as an announced feature in a post-release updates, and the other will be going out as a super secret (but really cool) easter egg in one of the post-release updates.

    So... for now, I'm ok with it.
  • sledgefangsledgefang Member Posts: 42
    Oh ok. That sound rather cool. I wanna easter egg. Is it boos giant form?
  • ST4TICStrikerST4TICStriker Member Posts: 162
    The Easter head is; a New hat found on one of the miners in the naskel.....
  • sledgefangsledgefang Member Posts: 42
    Naw I want like an appearance from Sheppard from Mass Effect. He freaking has boo's brother in his room.
  • KonabugaKonabuga Member Posts: 135
    I can't believe how many people misread what Trent said in the original post. I took it to mean that they were taking the time to do something special for everyone.

    And what is with this idea that you get something extra for pre-ordering anyways? You either pay for something earlier, or you pay for it later. You're going to have to pay for it. Did someone miss out on a vacation to Hawai for spending 20 bucks three months ago?
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Konabuga said:

    And what is with this idea that you get something extra for pre-ordering anyways?

    Quite common for there to be "exclusive" (haha) pre-order shinies with a lot of games these days, so people tend to build this illusion that all games should have them and they're somehow cheated when it isn't the case.
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