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Help with Near Infinity

FestenFesten Member Posts: 17
Hello Everyone, I hace been trying to make some modification to the game items via near Infinity but with mixed results.
So far the best result I have had is copying and existing object and then adding effetc to it, my main problem being that I am unable to chnage the item name or it's dexcription.
I have found several information in this forum but not with this problem.
I tried one of the solution that was proposed that was creating a new mod but again, no problem with creating and adding the mod to the game but without the description. Every time it has been a failed.
If someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong or guide me to an already existing tutotial I have missed I will be greatly thankfull


  • Djasko_AmsterdamDjasko_Amsterdam Member Posts: 47
    There are multiple instances of the item's name to be found. Or 2, if I'm not mistaken. I believe I've managed to do it, yeah. But it was a while ago. I stopped doing the name thing cause i basically had everything set as i wanted on my pc version of the game and knew which enchantments i had placed on what weapon. Like +4 for Haerdalis' weapon that lowers dex on hit, Jhor the Bleeder +5. Great fun on a Kensai with Belm+3 as offhander.
  • NiziNiziNiziNizi Member Posts: 70
    Wait, you are asking how to actually make mod for game?

    Or you are asking how to create items on your existing game (with custom names, descriptions, etc.) using NI, for your playthrough?
  • FestenFesten Member Posts: 17
    NiziNizi wrote: »
    Wait, you are asking how to actually make mod for game?

    Or you are asking how to create items on your existing game (with custom names, descriptions, etc.) using NI, for your playthrough?

    Mostly the second for starters. As long as I cannot even do that I won't see me trying to create a mod.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,006
    to change names/description of items, you first need to edit the dialogue.tlk file in NI ( ALWAYS make sure to have a back up before messing with the dialogue.tlk file, NI can sometimes corrupt it )

    anyway, you have to add in the appropriate string references into the dialgoue.tlk file and then once those are in, you can then add them to your custom items

    when you go to "edit" description/name in the item properties, what NI is really asking for is the custom string reference that you made to fit in that item, you can't make new string references from the item properties editting tab

    so here is an example of what you need to do;

    first lets edit the dialogue.tlk file ( again, make sure to make a BACK UP incase it gets corrupted )

    now if you are using an umodded bg2 game go to "Edit" at the top of the NI tabs and select "String Table"

    at the very top, take that slider and go all the way to the end ( this should put you at Strref 103240, or something like that )

    now at the bottom of this window you are going to notice an "Add" button, press it and now you will have a blank Strref, which will be 1 higher than the last one ( so for example, if your last Strref was 103240, it should now be 103241 )

    here, you can make the name of your item, let's call it; Destroyer +5 ( to keep things simple )
    then for "Flags" click on the ( None ) under "Value" and select; Has text (0)

    Once you have put you item name in the Text: field press the "Save" button at the bottom of the box

    then after all that is done, press "Add" again, this will give you another blank slate and you should be at Strref 103242

    and repeat the same process of making sure it has text(0) in value, and for this one's Text: write in your item description here

    once all is said and done, select "Save" again

    now, the important thing to remember here, is to remember the specific Strref number references of the 2 new strings you made, so it should look something like this;

    item name; Strref: 103241
    item description; Strref: 103242

    now, go back to your custom item and select "Identified name"

    and in the "StringRef:" box, update that number with 103241 ( or whatever your item name number is ) then click on the "Update value" button then click on the "Save" button

    then for "Identified description" you are going to do the same thing except for the StringRef box you are going to put in 103242 ( or whatever number your item description is ) update value, save

    and once all is said and done, now your fancy item will have the updated texts once it is identified ( you can also modify the "General name" and "General description" if you want, but normally you can just use the base game descriptions for those if it's not identified yet, if you do want to make them truly custom, you will have to take the steps above to do so )
  • NiziNiziNiziNizi Member Posts: 70
    edited July 2020
    For items effects, pay attention for all parameters. People easily overlook something and make mistake rendering item effect not working, etc. Sometimes I'm suprised to see how some people are lazy, when looking to items from some mods.

    When you deal with many effects it is easy to overlook and forget something, like Target, Timing Modem Probability, etc. Depending what opcode you use, Natural/Non-Magical also can play role in bypassing MR.

    Anyway, if you need further info or details about that, let me know.

    About your question on item names and description. You have to assign strings to it. And because you create new, unique items for yourself, you have to create new strings.

    For example, when you open some .ITM file in NI, you will see
    General name
    Identified name
    General description
    Identified description

    This is example. All of these require you to set StringRef number.

    So, on upper left menu, go EDIT > STRING TABLE. You will get warning message, click Ok. New window will open. There you have all strings from your game install.

    To create new, at bottom, click ADD. Enter name or whatever description you want. Pay attention to click on "Flags" and select "Has Text". After that, make a SAVE.

    Note - you will have problem making save if you have game running in background, or maybe some other apps like EEKeeper. Best close all such things. If Save is successful, you must get message "File(s) written successfully".

    Now pay attention to upper part of window. You have slider there, and your new string will always be last one to right side. Your new string number will be on left side, you will see "STRREF:" (than number).

    Copy that number and use it wherever you have to assing new string, for example in item file, General name. Replace old StringRef number there (or maybe there won't be any number if you created fully new item?) with new one, click Update Value. Your new string should be immidiately displayed below that. Save as you save when you make any other changes to file. That should be all.

    Let me know if all worked well.
    Post edited by NiziNizi on
  • FestenFesten Member Posts: 17
    Hello, thanks for your help, but it seems I have found a problem. I have no problem doing everything yo said about creating the new strings and putting the ref to the new items but as soon as I close NearInfinity despite saving every change, the new strings is discarded. Every time I launch NI again the new strings has disappear.
    It's worth noticing that I'm playing a modded game so maybe the problem comes from that.
  • NiziNiziNiziNizi Member Posts: 70
    Problem could still be simple - you are not really making proper Save. I can't be sure, but it is worth to double check this.

    Right at this moment, I reproduced same scenario and result is as yours. Reason is because I have game running in background.

    Meaning, you can make new string, get new number, assing it to where you want it, it will show in NI as if it was properly set. Everything seems fine until you close and start NI again.

    Thats why I said -If Save is successful, you must get message "File(s) written successfully".-

    Close all, restart PC, and try as I described. Just NI, nothing else. If problem still persist, than I do not know but can point you to people who may know more.

    Doubt problem comes from modded game. I'm all time on heavily modded game (EET) and have zero problems.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,497
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    ( ALWAYS make sure to have a back up before messing with the dialogue.tlk file, NI can sometimes corrupt it )
    NI is actually just as stable as WeiDU when it comes to editing the dialog.tlk. However, it's still good advice to make a backup because you can't easily revert changes made to the dialog.tlk.

    Festen wrote: »
    I have no problem doing everything yo said about creating the new strings and putting the ref to the new items but as soon as I close NearInfinity despite saving every change, the new strings is discarded. Every time I launch NI again the new strings has disappear.
    Are you modding BG:EE with SoD installed from GOG or Steam? In that case you have to modmerge the game before you can do any modding. NI can't save changes to the dialog.tlk if the file is located inside the SoD DLC.
  • FestenFesten Member Posts: 17

    Many thanks, I had EEkeeper open hence the problem. Working fine now
  • NiziNiziNiziNizi Member Posts: 70
    I told you, background apps can cause problem, Save is really not made than although everything fine for moment.

    So now, did you fully test? Re-open NI and new strings are in place?

    @argent77 - glad to see you. Although I don't know do you remember me.
  • FestenFesten Member Posts: 17
    NiziNizi wrote: »
    I told you, background apps can cause problem, Save is really not made than although everything fine for moment.

    So now, did you fully test? Re-open NI and new strings are in place?

    @argent77 - glad to see you. Although I don't know do you remember me.

    Yep did several test and everything works fine.
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