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Any official expansion pack/premium module lets you create your custom party?

Ian579Ian579 Member Posts: 241
edited August 2020 in General Discussions NWN:EE
When it comes to party formation, the official campaign lets you start the game with a custom character, and you can hire a henchman to accompany you. Depending on your class, you may also summon a creature and/or a familiar. That's it.

I finished the official campaign today and started playing the Shadows of Undrentide expansion pack, and I found the party formation in Shadows of Undrentide still works like that of the official campaign.

I personally prefer starting with a custom party of up to 6 party members and having full control over each character's action, quick bar, leveling up, inventory, etc, just like the way Icewind Dale series and Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir work. Alternatively, the way Baldur's Gate series work is also fine to me.

So is there an official expansion pack/premium module whose party formation works like that of Icewind Dale series/Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir/Baldur's Gate series?
Post edited by Ian579 on


  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    You're out of luck there. At least concerning official ones. There should be some community created modules that allow custom parties. Although on top of my head I can only remember the Icewind Dale fan remake for NwN2.
  • Ian579Ian579 Member Posts: 241
    edited July 2020
    You're out of luck there. At least concerning official ones. There should be some community created modules that allow custom parties. Although on top of my head I can only remember the Icewind Dale fan remake for NwN2.

    Thanks. That's unfortunate. Not sure if it's because of the game engine NWN uses.
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    edited July 2020
    BioWare was trying to get away from the "complexity" of BG/BG2/IWD when it made NWN. Lots and lots of fans thought it was a bad idea but they did it anyway.

    At one point I seem to recall Beamdog discussing whether to modify NWN to let you control a full party but I'm not sure what came of that.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    edited July 2020
    I wouldn't get too stressed about "official".

    What's unique about NWN is the vast number of fan-made campaigns, many of which are excellent.

    The better ones often have larger parties (up to 6 in my modules, for example). I don't have a definitive list, but the module descriptions often give you a clue.


    Companion interaction is typically better than the OC, though, to be fair, the engine constraints mean that you can't micromanage the party in quite such detail as BG.
  • Ian579Ian579 Member Posts: 241
    edited July 2020
    jsaving wrote: »
    BioWare was trying to get away from the "complexity" of BG/BG2/IWD when it made NWN. Lots and lots of fans thought it was a bad idea but they did it anyway.

    At one point I seem to recall Beamdog discussing whether to modify NWN to let you control a full party but I'm not sure what came of that.

    AFAIK, adventures in D&D often involve a group of heroes who go to defeat evils. It's weird to me that BioWare regarded that as "complexity".
    Post edited by Ian579 on
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    I think with NWN Bioware tried to pivot away from a "single player, custom party" experience to more of a traditional "DM with a party of multiple players" D&D experience. It kind of reflects that in the way NWN (and in particular NWN multiplayer) was designed.
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    Full party control and improved visuals (like the enhanced Hall of Justice) and UI are the things I think NWN EE needs to really get a new life.

    1 character + henchman with bad AI is not a good single player experience for D&D. It requires a party of 3-4 at least.
  • Ian579Ian579 Member Posts: 241
    edited July 2020
    1varangian wrote: »
    Full party control and improved visuals (like the enhanced Hall of Justice) and UI are the things I think NWN EE needs to really get a new life.

    1 character + henchman with bad AI is not a good single player experience for D&D. It requires a party of 3-4 at least.

    Agreed. Sometimes the AI is bad indeed, especially when I tell my henchman and summoned creatures to stop fighting and follow me and they aren't listening.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    There is also a trello topic for full party control, it's not something that has not been considered.

    However NWN is a multiplayer game, it seems intended as such otherwise they wasted an insane amount of effort on a side feature and slept on the main course. All the numbers indicate this too, the majority of recorded players are always multiplayer. In contrast the BG series has vastly more single player numbers. Analyzing achievements also shows a huge difference between the games.

    The reception was probably still different almost 20 years ago when people were still on dial-up. These days online play seems to be normal. I imagine they were just a decade ahead of their time rather than avoiding a pretty standard feature as party creation.
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    I interpret that data very differently. BioWare did waste an insane amount of effort on a side feature and slept on the main course. Because they slept on the main course, the bulk of the CRPG community gave up on NWN leaving only people who care about multiplayer to play the game. All the numbers indicate this too as the majority of recorded players for NWN are always multiplayer. In contrast the BG series has vastly more single player numbers because its dev team didn't sleep on the main course.
  • Ian579Ian579 Member Posts: 241
    edited July 2020
    There is also a trello topic for full party control, it's not something that has not been considered.

    However NWN is a multiplayer game, it seems intended as such otherwise they wasted an insane amount of effort on a side feature and slept on the main course. All the numbers indicate this too, the majority of recorded players are always multiplayer. In contrast the BG series has vastly more single player numbers. Analyzing achievements also shows a huge difference between the games.

    The reception was probably still different almost 20 years ago when people were still on dial-up. These days online play seems to be normal. I imagine they were just a decade ahead of their time rather than avoiding a pretty standard feature as party creation.

    Good point. I did not know NWN is intended as a multiplayer game until now. That's probably because NWN has not advertised itself as such. On Steam and, the advertisement/promotion/propaganda I have seen only give me the impression that NWN is pretty much a single player game like BG/IWD/NWN2.
  • R_TEAMR_TEAM Member Posts: 35
    NWN is designed as an realtime RPG, not round based - sure you can it play "against" this system by pause-unpause-pause-unpause and so one - but in the main goal (realtime) it is simply not doable to manage more than the main char sensefull - even 2 chars to full manage in realtime would an very stressful gameplay ... so it is simply not designed as round based - and as a result not for full control of the group.
    Dont hink this have any correlation with multiplayer or singleplayer ......
    i would say you picked simply the wrong game (pick better round based games , like the upcomming Solasta: Crown of the Magister D&D 5.1 Ruleset game) - i have never thinked the gameplay in NWN is the same as in BG...
  • Ian579Ian579 Member Posts: 241
    edited July 2020
    @R_TEAM We are not talking about realtime vs turn based. And full party control does not conflict with realtime RPG.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    Ian579 wrote:

    Good point. I did not know NWN is intended as a multiplayer game until now. That's probably because NWN has not advertised itself as such. On Steam and, the advertisement/promotion/propaganda I have seen only give me the impression that NWN is pretty much a single player game like BG/IWD/NWN2.

    It's not that it was never advertised as such but either, the original trailer and primary market/local box describe it accurately. In some regions they diminished multiplayer+toolset on the box description and otherwise people forgot about or ignored one of the original trailers. Today in interviews Trent Oster describes it as D&D in a box, you play one character like in D&D, and you probably play with friends. As opposed to BG which tells one specific story. There's something to say here about casting the broadest net possible unfortunately.

    People are free to interpret things how they wish of course. NWN intended and designed as a single player CRPG but the party system was too complicated is not an interpretation I would personally make and I hope that seems reasonable.

    To the point I would guess if NWN was made today by a company without an existing fanbase then it would possibly not have a single-player campaign. It may or may not gain the support of the broader CRPG community but that's fine, a niche is allowed to exist. If that were not the case then everything would be Fortnite or gacha games.
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    edited July 2020
    People are free to interpret things how they wish of course. NWN intended and designed as a single player CRPG but the party system was too complicated is not an interpretation I would personally make and I hope that seems reasonable.
    The point isn't that NWN was intended and designed as a single-player game but was changed because the party system was too complicated. Rather, it's that NWN should have been primarily intended and designed as a single player CRPG but wasn't because BioWare felt full party control had its day in BG/BG2 and had proven too complicated for players.

    Please note that "should have been" is only an opinion, and one with which a fair number of NWN multiplayer fans would strenuously disagree. NWN was certainly a different type of product so I think one has to give BioWare points for trying something new, even though it left a lot of traditional CRPG players nonplussed.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    In practice, my understanding is that the majority of NWN players only play the official campaigns in single-player mode. The next biggest group play fan-made single-player modules. An important minority play PW or other multi-player.

    So it's fair to say that NWN caters for both single- and multi- player.

    What NWN might have been seems somewhat off-topic.

    I suppose the best answer we can give the OP is that the nearest NWN comes to a full party experience is in some of the better fan-made SP modules, or else multiplayer in a decent PW.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    People say that most players only play the oc but I have not seen any numbers for NWN EE to indicate this is true. We can approximate better with multiplayer numbers making the assumption that populations change over time. Whereas looking at numbers for activity in the oc I would assume the majority buy it and don't play or don't play beyond the tutorial. I assume most are referencing old estimations made over a decade ago, yet there has never been accurate player tracking for NWN so it's still just estimates. If we go by achievements (not too accurate but the numbers actually exist) then perhaps only a few hundred completed any of the official campaigns.

    NWN certainly supports multiplayer groups and DMed experiences in a manner that other games do not and it's probably better to play it using it's strengths.
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