Kangaxx as an SCSII spellcasting demi-lich is giving me PTSD
Member Posts: 190
No clue what to do about this thing. Even my sorcerer with the spell trigger full of spell immuities isn't completely protected from Kangaxxs wish debuff, or the comet that his final form brings down. I think Kangaxx is too smart to waste any spells on my completely protected sorcerer, so waiting him out isn't really an option, and I only have a limited amount of protection from the dark planetar who will eventually wait out my protection from magical weapons and is very safe behind the liches powerful attack spells. There are a hundred versions of the infamous kangaxx fight on youtube, but I can't find the one I'm looking for. I'm going to have to come back later when I get my own time stops and planetar, aren't I?
Not that I would know. You have something that has 90% physical damage resistance, is immune to almost all the spells and casts imprisonment (which offers no saving throw, is uninterruptable and bypasses MR) at will. Then you give it capabilities to cast high level magic at you? That's machosim for me. Hence, no Spellcasting Demi-Liches for me. Way above my capabilities.
Also, SCS obliterates all of the previous conventional wisdom regarding Kangaxx. You can no longer safely keep the rest of the party near the exit, for instance. While you may be able to keep Kangaxx himself on the platform, his summons are not so limited, and WILL go after the rest of your party. Make sure you keep a few warriors in reserve to handle that dark planetar, for instance.
Honestly, I regret enabling this on my game, and I gave up and used PfU. It felt like a weak ending, but I got tired of reloading. My next install will change this.
I will say that Sirene did a number on him with Carsomyr +5 along with Isra's Daystar sunburst. Unfortunately, not enough to keep the party from getting toasted.
Easy success on the first try - mages just aren't much of a threat when you can passively ignore most of their spells. And when it's a constant cycle of tearing down and recasting protections, they just don't have time to cast many offensive spells. Sure, the planetar is dangerous - so you switch focus and kill it ASAP.
Incidentally, spellcasting demiliches don't use Trap the Soul at all. They might have a normal Imprisonment memorized to use on your party, but that's it.
When he transforms, move the rest of the party as far back as possible, then activate slayer and watch your PC tear the skull a new one.
Just don't go grab a cup of coffee, you need to transform back at the end or else you die
I feel absolutely entitled to take that ring now.