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Everyone in module going hostile when they shouldn't

sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
so i'm having some frustrating results with my scripts here;

for some weird reason when i tell an NPC to go hostile after when the dialogue is finished EVERY single NPC with the same faction goes hostile throughout the entire module ( which is just down right bizarre and annoying )

is there a way, to make it so the NPC starts off blue ( not hostile ) has a conversation with the PC then after the conversation is done, the NPC ( and ONLY the NPC ) goes hostile and attacks the PC, and doing this WITHOUT making everyone else with the same faction in the module hostile as well?


  • AncarionAncarion Member Posts: 155
    First, I would make sure you don't have Global Effect activated for the faction. You can check this with the Faction Editor, found in the Tools dropdown.

    Next, I'd check the method by which you cause the NPC to become hostile and attack. The game contains a script named nw_c2_go_hostile that can do this; it changes the NPC's faction to Hostile, which is a good idea.

    You could also just create a unique faction for the NPC, neutral to every other faction (and vice versa). Then there shouldn't be any chance of anything strange happening.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    okay, well i unchecked the global faction box

    can't use the nw script since it is done through dialogue

    and im going to also set custom factions for each npc and hopefully that works

    thanks for the tips
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    so by the looks of it, giving them different factions did the trick, although i wasn't aware that you also had to manually set it to 50 ( or indifferent or whatever ) because at default when you give an NPC a custom faction it automatically sets them to hostile lewlz
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    That's because the parent faction defaults to Hostile when you create your custom faction.

    If you choose a different parent, your new faction should mostly have 50s, as the initial values are inherited.

    When you export custom faction resources, their faction resets to the parent - otherwise, I don't think parent has any other official purpose.

    Caveat - some builders think that using a parent other than Hostile can be buggy - not sure whether that's true.

  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    well the only reason why i need new factions is for NPCs to turn hostile once a conversation is done ( they can't start a conversation if hostile so they have to be blue first )

    so as long as it works that way, without having the rest of the module hostile towards the player then good enough for me
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