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Can monk gloves' special properties benefit other classes?

Ian579Ian579 Member Posts: 241
My henchman Deekin Scalesinger is using a shortsword as his weapon. I tried buffing up his UMD and letting him equip a pair of monk gloves which grants +3 attack bonus and 2 Cold damage bonus. However, after he equipped the gloves, the statistics in his character sheet did not change.

Can monk gloves' special properties benefit other classes?


  • CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
    I think those gloves only work if the wearer is not holding a weapon as they apply only to unarmed strikes.
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    Correct, monk-only gloves power up your unarmed strikes, they do not actually power-up a weapon you might be holding (nor do they say they do, in all fairness).
  • Ian579Ian579 Member Posts: 241
    edited July 2020
    Thanks guys.

    It would be helpful if there are some text stating those special properties only benefit unarmed strike. Currently, the lack of such text makes it look like the applying of those special properties has no restriction on attack types.
    Post edited by Ian579 on
  • RifkinRifkin Member Posts: 146
    You can have damage bonus attributes on your arrows, but these do not affect your sword. It is the very same with the monk gloves, they are not the current weapon used so they are not affecting your damage.
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