Thieves Guild Globals

Hi all! As the title says, I'm looking for the global values for the Thieves Guild. I messed up a bit ago and forgot to give Renal's man his dues, but logged several hours of play inbetween where I am and that point, and am trying to alter it so that I don't loose my guild.
Also, probably want these for Spellhold and the Underdark, so that I don't go through the same then.
Also, probably want these for Spellhold and the Underdark, so that I don't go through the same then.
also, when you leave for chapter 4 and 5, you don't get penalized for not paying dues, they will be on hold once you are there and will resume again when you get back
also for hind sight, there are only like 2 or 3 special mission/scenarios you can do with the thief stronghold, after that its just gold and thats IF your dudes dont end up in prison
so if you think you are missing much from not doing the thieve's guild you dont have to worry, there isn't much to miss