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[SoU][Minor Spoiler] Need advice on what to do with unused items I have acquired

Ian579Ian579 Member Posts: 241
edited October 2020 in General Discussions NWN:EE
I'm currently still doing the chapter 2 of SoU. But during my googling for information about some content of SoU, I accidentally learned that HotU is a squeal to SoU (fortunately, I did not see any more spoilers) and my gold will be carried over to HotU.

What about my and my henchman's equipment and items in our inventories? Will they be carried over to HotU, too?

I'm asking this because I would sell all unused items if they won't be carried over lest they disappear and are wasted.
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  • RifkinRifkin Member Posts: 146
    Without giving away too much (spoilers), the answer is "YES" and... "NO"...

    Suffice to say, don't worry too much about what your characters have from SoU, HotU has a ton of gear that will be much better than anything you will find in SoU
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