Q about Kangaxx in SCS
Member Posts: 28
Why does Spellstrike not remove all his protections?
Do I need to cast something before Spellstrike to get rid of his defenses?
Do I need to cast something before Spellstrike to get rid of his defenses?
Cast any of the protection removers, from Spell Thrust up to Spellstrike or even Breach, first. That trades with the Spell Shield. Then cast Spellstrike to remove everything else.
Oh, and other people's specific experiences with Kangaxx aren't terribly relevant here. SCS chooses spell selections for its casters at install time, so each mage's protections will be different for different people. The only way to know what's up, really, is to pay close attention to the combat log.
What brings down Immunity from Abjuration?
The one thing abjuration immunity really protects from ... dispel magic and remove magic.
Off topic, but oh my goodness that explains a lot. My version of Kahrk in BG1 SCS has PfNW, PfNM, PfMW, Minor Globe, and Stoneskin . I was wondering why none of the other SCS playthrough videos showed the same spell selection.