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Cannot leave the 1st floor of the Temple of the Winds

The title is the problem. After killing all the enemies the four doors are still insubstantial and I can find no way to progress. I have reloaded several times and it keeps happening. This is apparently a known bug, but all I have found is a few posts on various sites asking for help with no responses. Does anyone know how to fix this bug? Is there a console command to move/teleport to the next map? Am I going to have to give up on this game? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • RifkinRifkin Member Posts: 146
    edited August 2020
    Yes, there is a console command to teleport to locations.

    Using console commands is pretty useful for getting out of jams like that. (see this reference on the NWN Wiki)

    First, you press the tilde/grave key (~/`)

    Then you type "DebugMode 1" to turn on cheats/debugging

    Then you type "dm_jumptopoint <x> <y> <area>" where <x> and <y> are coordinates, and <area> is a resref (resource reference) of the area you want to teleport to.

    You'll need to do some digging to determine the RESREF of the areas you want to teleport to.
  • JohanobesusJohanobesus Member Posts: 4
    Thank you. I looked at lists of commands but somehow missed that one. Sometimes I think I must be getting dementia a few years early.

    For future reference for others searching for a solution, the area code for the second level is "winds_003." The coordinates of one of the entrances are 54.49×75.58, however for some reason I was only able to appear in the SW corner of the map instead of the specified point. I don't know why.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited August 2021
    I am stuck on this. I tried the above, but like Johanobesus says, I just end up at the SW corner of the chains floor and not the next level up. Is there some flag that can be set with the console to say I have completed the level so it lets me proceed?
    EDIT: In DebugMode, just hit the . and select the next level from the list of areas. Then click the go to button and you arrive safe and sound.
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    The title is the problem. After killing all the enemies the four doors are still insubstantial and I can find no way to progress. I have reloaded several times and it keeps happening. This is apparently a known bug, but all I have found is a few posts on various sites asking for help with no responses. Does anyone know how to fix this bug? Is there a console command to move/teleport to the next map? Am I going to have to give up on this game? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Could you send me your savegame? I would like to take a look and if it is know bug, fix it. I know nobody uses my unofficial patch that solves many issues, but this is what I like and enjoy to do so whatever. Send me a PM with link thanks.
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