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Cavalier or Inquisitor? For a playthrough of at least Baldur's Gate EE.



  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,936
    edited September 2021
    Danacm wrote: »
    Not level 34 is the max paladin level cap ? So that, level 34 is max level in turn undead if its use the same level.

    This tweak gives them turning comparable to a cleric of the same experience as the paladin, not a cleric of the same level as the paladin. Clerics go to level 40, and reach level 39 a million XP before the cap.

    Basically, I gave the Undead Hunter a +2 turning bonus starting at level 3 (that brings the turning up to the full paladin level), then an additional +1 at level 10 and every three levels after that - because 900K XP is three paladin levels or four cleric levels once you get into the linear part of the curve.

    (Edit: added quote for context due to page transition)
    Post edited by jmerry on
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    edited September 2021
    Okay, i got it. Just basically a +9 bonus to turn undead. Seems strong. But not inbalanced. Some years ago i mod it to add hold undead and cleric of the same level turn undead. More flavor but not inba.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    jmerry wrote: »
    TBH I’ve always kind of wanted to play through with an Undead Hunter but set the level bonus so that it turns undead as an equal xp cleric would.

    That's ... actually, it's not too hard. As long as you don't mind being off by small amounts. I've attached a quick and dirty version below.

    Key points:
    - This modifies the Undead Hunter kit only.
    - No turning until level 3, like other paladins. After that, you get a bonus to Turn Undead level that brings you within one level of matching a cleric of the same experience. Sometimes behind, sometimes ahead. The Undead Hunter actually winds up with a slight advantage at the BG2 XP cap, ending at turn level 41.
    - The turning bonus is applied at level-up, so existing characters won't gain the full benefit retroactively. You'll want this in place for the full run if you're using it.
    - No other changes. This includes the kit description; I'm not messing with the text for something like this.

    (Edit: should actually work now. I made a silly mistake in the first version. If you downloaded it before the edit, redo that now.)

    That's cool. Undead Hunter is my favorite Paladin kit (for its flair mostly, and I really don't like undead, so it's great for roleplaying) and this tweak makes it much better, because many people agree it's a weaker kit compared to the others.
  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    Thanks! This may have just vaulted to the top for my next playthrough.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    edited September 2021
    This thread reminds me that I wish the game enforced alignment a lot more, and offered more reliable (and reasonable) ways to RP as those alignments.

    I actually like the idea of Paladins having to occasionally visit the temple of their god to "re-up" their powers, as it would be a constant reminder of why they have their powers. The tithing thing might put people off, but a requirement to offer prayers at a temple should be considered good RP.

    The downside here is that not every god has a temple, so perhaps it would have to be a "compatible" temple?
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