Stratagems + aTweak Fiends
Iam currently trying to get them work with EE Mod Installer and custom doings.
Install Order by EE Mod Installer:
1. ATweak
- PnP Fiends: Modifies the spells to summon alignment based fiends.
- PnP Fiends: Modifies the script that fiends use.
- PnP Fiends (optional): Modifies the stats and skills of all fiends.
2. Stratagems
- Default: Modifies the spells to summon alignment based fiends.
- Improved Fiends: Modifies the skills of all fiends.
- Improved Fiends or Default: Modifies the script that fiends use.
The issue is that stratagems always overwhrites Atweak fiends in EE Mod installer.
And if you do ATweak after an EE Mod Install you screw over other mods such as Item Randomizer.
Maybe it works with ingame randomizer script...
Whats your thoughts on this?
Edit: I tried an install without ATweak Fiends Components and added it after all mods. Closed Script after it applied the changes so it doesnt go through all ATweaks. Result was that spells dont call fiends (no gate ring appears).
Install Order by EE Mod Installer:
1. ATweak
- PnP Fiends: Modifies the spells to summon alignment based fiends.
- PnP Fiends: Modifies the script that fiends use.
- PnP Fiends (optional): Modifies the stats and skills of all fiends.
2. Stratagems
- Default: Modifies the spells to summon alignment based fiends.
- Improved Fiends: Modifies the skills of all fiends.
- Improved Fiends or Default: Modifies the script that fiends use.
The issue is that stratagems always overwhrites Atweak fiends in EE Mod installer.
And if you do ATweak after an EE Mod Install you screw over other mods such as Item Randomizer.
Maybe it works with ingame randomizer script...
Whats your thoughts on this?
Edit: I tried an install without ATweak Fiends Components and added it after all mods. Closed Script after it applied the changes so it doesnt go through all ATweaks. Result was that spells dont call fiends (no gate ring appears).
The problem is really the default installation of Stratagems. It makes Atweak changes not working.
-To solve this you have to download and edit the stratagems.ini.
-Set "no_initial_change_fiend_summoning = 1" and cacofiend, summon fiend and gate wont be changed anymore.
-Set EE Mod installer to not download mods and instead provide/force the install of the edited zip file.
-Put Atweaks into your bg2 folder and manually install it.
- Stratagems: "no Fiends" + aTweak: "Modify all Fiends" = works. Fiends seem to have good hp on highest difficulty. Baatezu fight Tanari and both gate in reinforces. Pit fiend has same graphic as Balor. This is correct to pnp. Just a bit waste of the good graphic I think.
- Stratagems: "Fiends" + aTweak: "Add script to fiends only" = works. The summoned fiends are changed to aTweak choice. However the Gelugon uses Ice Storm on Cornugon, which are the same faction. The Nabassu is not green and the Pit fiend has same graphic as Balor. Seems like Stratagems Fiends are not used. I also had installations that didnt work.