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how can i get one pls cant download this game cant get it pls advise me.


  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    Worry not bro. Tell me what your problem is with the game and I'll help you get it running.
  • subterrasubterra Member Posts: 49
    the client gets stuck at 99.7% my isp is blocking the connection so i have no choice but to request a refund i have tried everything
  • devNulldevNull Member Posts: 7
    Why should Overhaul be held responsible for your ISPs blocking policies? Shouldn't you be talking to *them*?
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    @subterra, mail to they will try to help you.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited November 2012
    subterra said:

    the client gets stuck at 99.7% my isp is blocking the connection so i have no choice but to request a refund i have tried everything

    Try this.

    Restart your PC. Go into the installation directory for Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition. Go into the Data folder. Find 766.beam and 766.status, delete both. Launch the client again, uncheck P2P (your ISP may be blocking P2P).

    Doing this will 'reset' your status and will force the game to verify all contents and redownload what is missing.

    NOTE: P2P should be left on unless you are experiencing problems.
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    Do as @mch202 offered and if you get no successful playing then speak to @PhillipDaigle. I think he's in charge of refunds, I might be wrong.

    I think you're wholely entitled to a refund if you can't get it to work. @devNull has got the wrong 'not my problem' attitude. :P
  • devNulldevNull Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2012
    @Ward, if it really is a problem with the ISP blocking the specific ports Beamdog uses, then how is it Beamdog's fault?
  • subterrasubterra Member Posts: 49
    edited November 2012
    devNull said:

    @Ward, if it really is a problem with the ISP blocking the specific ports Beamdog uses, then how is it Beamdog's fault?

    its not beamdogs fault but nor is it mine simple.

  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    @devNull I didn't say it's necessarily Beamdog's fault, I said that they have a responsibility to subterra regardless of their involvement in his inability to get it to play.

    Beamdog has a responsibility to refund him if he can't get the game downloaded. If I buy a game from a store and it doesn't work they have a responsibility to refund me, regardless of whether they caused the reason for it to not work.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    devNull said:

    @Ward, if it really is a problem with the ISP blocking the specific ports Beamdog uses, then how is it Beamdog's fault?

    beamdogs fault? no.
    has trent oster said numerous times that he wants to deliver a product that people can enjoy? yes.

    if he can't get it working, i'm sure they'll give him a refund or make him an offer to get it done, because i honestly think that's the kind of company beamdog/overhaul is.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    I suspect even if they have to burn it to a disc and mail it to you they will.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    Or somebody can download and save to flash drive for you. There are ways to work around this challenge. Bear with it a little!
  • devNulldevNull Member Posts: 7
    Ward said:

    If I buy a game from a store and it doesn't work they have a responsibility to refund me, regardless of whether they caused the reason for it to not work.

    That's completely different. What you're saying is analogous to Beamdog having to refund him his money because his mommy found out he bought a game without her knowledge and forbid him to actually download it. It's ridiculous.

    I do agree, however, that Beamdog is probably going to try to help the guy out, even though they have no obligation whatsoever to do so in a case in which the ISP, not *them*, are making it impossible to download the game.

  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    @DevNull, that's called risk of the business, Beamdog as a company should deal with that, the guy is a customer and it's in his rights to ask a refund for the game he can't even install, in fact if you read the terms of agreement of any software, it's stated there that if you don't agree with those terms (even after downloaded them but during the install process) you should ask for refund and delete the game.

    Again i will say, to you and anyone else that fit in this situation:

    You do not need to advocate for the devs, they have a legal dept. that's probally very skilled and if they have to deny a refund they will do it.
  • devNulldevNull Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2012
    kamuizin said:

    Beamdog as a company should deal with that

    I didn't say they shouldn't. I said they aren't obligated to. I agree that they should (and think that they will), because it's good business, but they certainly don't have to.

    And I still think the OP should contact his/her ISP about this. It's much more of an issue with them, than it is with Beamdog.
  • subterrasubterra Member Posts: 49
    A big thank you to decado this guy is an absolute star, thankyou so much DECADO !
  • subterrasubterra Member Posts: 49
    decado said:

    I suspect even if they have to burn it to a disc and mail it to you they will.

    even beamdog themselves wouldnt help me as much as this guy has thankyou dude.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    No worries. Glad you got it all working.
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