Edgy bard build help

So I’m very familiar with 3.X but not with NWN1. After completing the OC a few years back I’ve been turned off from the game but with the iOS release I want to try again. So I’ve been in a Necromancer bard mood and since the PRC, and thereby dirgesinger, isn’t available on iOS I want to make something similar.
I’m either playing SotU into HotU or Darkness over Daggerford into Tyrants of the Moonsea. I haven’t decided which yet but both will be new experiences.
My plan currently is a CE gnome (flavor reasons) bard 16. Then go 15 pale master while sprinkling in 4 levels of Blackguard, making sure Blackguard 3 and 4 fall on feat levels to get divine might and divine shield. While starting with 13 str for power attack/cleave I’ll either focus on dex or charisma I think.
A guide I read said 16 bard is a good jump point for a bard because the bard song is best then. 15 pale master is for epic spells, undead summoning, and defensive buffs, and then BG for the before mentioned divine feats. Other feats I’ll take are Curse song, weapon finesse (if I pump dex over cha), lingering song, and idk what else.
13 str
14 dex
10 con
14 int
8 wis
16 cha
are what I’m looking at for starting stats. I’m open to critique and suggestions since again I’m not too familiar with NWN.
I’m either playing SotU into HotU or Darkness over Daggerford into Tyrants of the Moonsea. I haven’t decided which yet but both will be new experiences.
My plan currently is a CE gnome (flavor reasons) bard 16. Then go 15 pale master while sprinkling in 4 levels of Blackguard, making sure Blackguard 3 and 4 fall on feat levels to get divine might and divine shield. While starting with 13 str for power attack/cleave I’ll either focus on dex or charisma I think.
A guide I read said 16 bard is a good jump point for a bard because the bard song is best then. 15 pale master is for epic spells, undead summoning, and defensive buffs, and then BG for the before mentioned divine feats. Other feats I’ll take are Curse song, weapon finesse (if I pump dex over cha), lingering song, and idk what else.
13 str
14 dex
10 con
14 int
8 wis
16 cha
are what I’m looking at for starting stats. I’m open to critique and suggestions since again I’m not too familiar with NWN.