Something doesn't add up here (Stealth values)

So, I started a new Half-Elven Cleric/Ranger with 18 Dex. The base stealth for a first level ranger is 25/20 (or 22.5 average). Being Half-Elf should add +10, and then +10 for the 18 dex. This should land me at 42.5 (or 45/40 to start). However, my starting stealth value is 37. Any idea why that would be? Thanks!
If it matters, I'm playing classic BG with EasyTutu.
If it matters, I'm playing classic BG with EasyTutu.
According to the wiki it is.
Edit: When you change your character's race to a monster that has no racial stealth bonuses, a first level ranger drops down to 15/15, which is what you would expect if the 25/20 listed in the wiki includes human stealth bonuses.