The range of whips is very disappointing :(

I'm a big fan of whips in real life. But I just tried using a whip in this game and found that I have to stand toe-to-toe with enemies just like using regular melee weapons. 
In real life, a major advantage of using whips is that you can hit, fetch or entangle an object from a distance without involving yourself in close combats. And the implementation of whips in this game basically killed that advantage.
Please, increase whips' ranges. Implementing that advantage of whips can also make more players willing to use whips. Thanks.

In real life, a major advantage of using whips is that you can hit, fetch or entangle an object from a distance without involving yourself in close combats. And the implementation of whips in this game basically killed that advantage.

Please, increase whips' ranges. Implementing that advantage of whips can also make more players willing to use whips. Thanks.
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