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Modding help, how would one go about making a bard/archer m/c combination?

Kookies4LaifKookies4Laif Member Posts: 24
edited August 2020 in BG:EE Mods
I've been playing around with nearinfinity for a bit, but can't for the life of me figure it out if it's even possible.

Any help would be appreciated. Sorry if this is not the right place, couldn't figure out where to post this question.

So far all can come up with is applying a xp penalty and manually adding in bonuses and stuff. Would be great if there was way to do it as an actual combination.

I've tried might and guile, mod that adds bard m/c combos, but that didn't work for me, gave me a .lua error on starting up game.


  • CaedwyrCaedwyr Member Posts: 176
    What abilities do you want for the bard archer? I am assuming you are referring to the ranger kit, and if you just want to grant the called shot ability and the improved ranged THAC0 it would be pretty simple to implement an Archer Bard kit on the Bard chasis.
  • Kookies4LaifKookies4Laif Member Posts: 24
    edited August 2020
    I'm more around the lines looking for a way to make a Bard be able to multiclass, and specifically with a ranger/archer. I'd settle for Ranger/Bard too, think you can edit kits for base class' in EEKeeper.

    I've noticed in EEKeepr or Nearinfinity you can change the class types. Single base, ie THIEF, or m\c, CLERIC \ Ragner. There are no such options for Bards. Which is a bummer to me :'(

    I did notice there was a class type of BARD ALL, but I don't know what that does.

    So I was wondering if there was a way to be able to mod such a thing? Bard \ Archer, or even Ranger \ Bard. I'm barely starting to learn how to use things like Near infinity, so stuff like this is beyond me. Did figure out how to make a Drow though, with daylight penalties and everything. =)

    Else I might just manually add in bonuses to a single bard and apply some hefty xp penalties. Sort of imitate the slow leveling up. idk...

    Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    As a side note, if anybody knows of an easy way to increase enemy HP without doing it manually for the 1000's! of creature files that would be awesome sauce! Would like to make the game a little more challenging. I know, odd, sense I want to add in stuff that is not in vanilla which can make it easier. But I like variety, while increasing difficulty at the same time. Currently just reducing my parties damage output by a percentage as a work around, with the perm damage type bonus eff, all, -% on my party members.

    Oh and I know about Legacy of Bhaal , hp buffs, but it does much more than that and not in a way that I personally like.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited August 2020
    Multi-class Bard/Archer? No.

    You're better off making a Bard that is basically in essence, the two combined, perhaps by being able to have two proficiency slots in ranged weapons, for example, and maybe bonus thaco/attack/ranged critical chance, with obviously, some penalty put somewhere.

    BARD ALL = Any and all Bards and Bard Kits.

    Personally I would approach the difficulty by adding in a few Lieutenant Spawns in certain areas, basically tougher, beefier versions of the local creatures in certain areas, maybe with unique spells and A.I. scripts. It might be more fun than adjusting a lot of scripts, and it would also make it more compatible.

    I also personally don't recommend xp penalties. I feel like the ideal goal should be balance achieved without the need for slowing down leveling.
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