Dark Sun SoT (Sands of Time)
Member Posts: 226
Hello Everyone
I’m starting up another Dark Sun project and you can find out all about it on the website.
Thanks for your time.
Nice work Acidchalk and Draygoth, we all love the work you two are doing on the races and armor.
If you want to find out more about this project you can check out our website at
Dark Sun Sands of Time
We are always looking for more people who would like to help with creating this project and their are all kinds of areas that we could use help in some are as simple was editing text documents. So if this is something that you might be interested in come join the team and together we will find a way in which you can help.
That said we also no not eveyone is able to help but you can still show your support for the project by following us on Twitter and Facebook
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DarkSunSoT
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/darksunsot/