Userpatch breakage?

Using the patch function of the userpatch.ini has done wonders to help me get through the original campaigns, considering the original is so obstinately boring that at this point I've only comepleted a single run-through of the game. It has also allowed me to get into some of the non-hak'd modules that are around.
Something's changed in Beamdog's programming lines in regards to them, however. One of my other friends who also uses it says that their character is now missing parts. My character is missing their cloak. This hasn't happened until recently. I haven't modified these files since July of 2018. What's happened?
Something's changed in Beamdog's programming lines in regards to them, however. One of my other friends who also uses it says that their character is now missing parts. My character is missing their cloak. This hasn't happened until recently. I haven't modified these files since July of 2018. What's happened?
For EE, the path to the userpatch.ini is specified by the PATCH= directive in nwn.ini.
It seems to be working for me, in both .13 and .14.
Others may know better.
Yeah. I told my "PATCH=" directory to direct to my "hak" folder, as opposed to the "patch" folder. It would have been an additional five gigs of stuff in my already overinflated NWN directory. But it normally takes everything okay, this is a recent development, and I've been on hiatus from NWN. Do cloaks/body parts have a visibility flag now that might have gotten tripped?