Slow Response to Mouse Clicks/Mouse Lag

Good morning all.
Let me just say that I had so much hope for this remake of one of the all time greatest games and I did my best last night to stay excited as I played but that is fading fast I have to be honest.
I honestly dont know that I see any improvements here over the modded BG but I am trying here. I swear I am .
The problem I am having that is THE most annoying and really stopping me from play this any further until I find a fix is this. Whenever I click on anything there is a delay before the game actually acknowledges that I clicked on something. Like a serious lag. Especially in the inventory screen. Sometimes its to the point that the game freezes and stops responding all together and I have to close it.
Anyone else seeing this? Any fix for this that has been identified I would so much appreciate.
I am really really trying to remain positive here but its getting hard.
thank you for your help.
Let me just say that I had so much hope for this remake of one of the all time greatest games and I did my best last night to stay excited as I played but that is fading fast I have to be honest.
I honestly dont know that I see any improvements here over the modded BG but I am trying here. I swear I am .
The problem I am having that is THE most annoying and really stopping me from play this any further until I find a fix is this. Whenever I click on anything there is a delay before the game actually acknowledges that I clicked on something. Like a serious lag. Especially in the inventory screen. Sometimes its to the point that the game freezes and stops responding all together and I have to close it.
Anyone else seeing this? Any fix for this that has been identified I would so much appreciate.
I am really really trying to remain positive here but its getting hard.
thank you for your help.