Frankly im a little disapointed (with the communication mostly) - graphics issues / launch / forum

Firstly the support for the game on Intel graphics chips
- A little communication before the release would have been nice
- As this doesn't work on the hardware i have to hand
Launch issues
- Not being able to run the game till well after the release, i spent the effort to pre load it.
finally (didn't worked) 3 hours after the release. - minus the fact that it didn't because of Intel issues
-The design makes it difficult to discern between user and staff posts maybe you could give them different background to emphasize this. so you can decide what is opinion and what is fact
- forum down time
And What was the little extra thing i was supposed to get for pre ordering and having date moved back?
- A little communication before the release would have been nice
- As this doesn't work on the hardware i have to hand
Launch issues
- Not being able to run the game till well after the release, i spent the effort to pre load it.
finally (didn't worked) 3 hours after the release. - minus the fact that it didn't because of Intel issues
-The design makes it difficult to discern between user and staff posts maybe you could give them different background to emphasize this. so you can decide what is opinion and what is fact
- forum down time
And What was the little extra thing i was supposed to get for pre ordering and having date moved back?
From my (lurking) experience since BGEE was announced, folks have been very responsive. The community fuels revision through constructive feedback and the suggestion of solutions- not by turning forums into an echo chamber of complaints about problems with which we're all familiar.
TLDR = this too shall pass.
But that seems to be the problem this forum can be difficult to find what you actually want
The key is in the title "with the communication mostly"
I understand there will be issues. I'm just a little disappointed that i wasn't told about them before time.
My biggest question is how patches work. Does the launcher somehow 'know' when updates exist? I mean, I think there will be tweaks and fixes over the first couple of weeks, but I don't know how I'll get them.
By the way, baldur's gate runs perfectly fine on my intel HD 3000, so it's perfectly possible the devs tested *some* intel hardware and didn't notice any problems. It's impossible to test the game on every hardware combination.
All in all, I think communication is the only thing that went well since release.
Please compare BG:EE communication with Microsoft, OpenGL, and Intel communication:
Microsoft: "Pay us $35 per call and we *might* fix your problem!"
Intel: "You need assistance with compatibility issues? LOL play DirectX games, KTHXBAI"
OpenGL: *crickets*
Thanks to the abundance of suggestions from both devs and users on this forum, I was able to get my game working. For the past week I had been prepared for just this kind of situation, and worse. Look through the forums and try some of the temporary fixes.
If nothing on the forums works, then take a deep breath and take a break. Help is on the way. This kind of thing cannot and should not be rushed.
Tried all the fixes i can find. no luck.
Only a little disappointed. (mainly because release was pushed back)
I'm just a little cranky because, I haven't had my gaming fix.
I suggest playing something else for the time being until Overhaul fixes it... Hang in there, help is on the way!
For some reason when you said
"hang in there" i think of Marge Simpson and the cat hanging on washing line.
when her pretzel business is failing.
and now I'm you-tubing Simpson clips
I agree with you on the forum staff needing to be better identified though, as well as maybe some more communication (that doesn't come second hand from Twitter *Twitster*). I can't comment on hardware because I'm not sure how many it effects but hopefully they get that smoothed out soon. least I thought I was. Haven't played it since a week after it came out. I got an email from Blizzard a while ago saying my account may have been hacked. My account... that I need to log in to... to access a server... for a game I only ever intended to play solo.
- no issues with the final download yesterday (but it did take two tries to get the 1st update to work)
- no weirdo graphics issues (but I'm not trying to run it on a mid-lvl laptop either)
- no bug-induced CTDs
- nothing at all to whine, bitch, snivel, moan, or complain about...just a few hours of solid game enjoyment. Pity me.
Downgraded video card drivers
Changed permission on internal launcher - put in vista sp2 compatibility mode
added window mode to .ini file
plugged my laptop in mains as a power option interfered with graphics options