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XP difference 4 vs 6 party

kaja8kaja8 Member Posts: 52
After reading the thread from a couple of weeks ago about party sizes I started a 6 player party but now i'm in brynlaw and want to switch back to 4. I'll add the XP to my remaining characters as if we were 4 from the start.
2/6 of xp is 33%
I would have to take my current XP, deduct the starting xp and the amount granted in quests that give XP per character, multiply that with 1.33 and then add the deducted xp back.
Does that make sense?

What do you think, how much quest XP is given as per character rewards until chapter 4? More than 200k?
Post edited by kaja8 on


  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    edited September 2020
    No, it doesn't make sense to win encounters with the benefit of a full party and then give yourself XP as if you'd 4-manned them. But if you wanted to do it anyway then you would need to multiply by 50%, not 33%.
    Post edited by jsaving on
  • whalewerewhalewere Member Posts: 14
    edited September 2020
    That's a hefty amount of bookkeeping. As it happens, though, you're at the point in the game where I feel that XP gains increase pretty dramatically, so I really wouldn't worry too much about it. But good luck in any case!

    Edit: my gut feeling is that you should have a bit more than 200k quest experience at this point, yes.
  • kaja8kaja8 Member Posts: 52
    jsaving wrote: »
    But if you wanted to do it anyway then you would need to multiply by 50%, not 33%.

    You are right, the math didn't add up. That would end up increasing the xp by around 35%, which would be 600k at this point, too much.
  • borntodieborntodie Member Posts: 199
    edited September 2020
    kaja8 wrote: »
    What do you think, how much quest XP is given as per character rewards until chapter 4? More than 200k?

    It obviously depends on how many quests you did in the early chapters. But if you finished all or most of the available content, the "per character" xp amounts to quite a bit more than 200k.

    - 45k for most of the stronghold quests (7 of them)
    - additional chunks for the two slaver quests and the harper quest
    - an additional chunk for paying the thief/vampire guild their 15k gold
    - and 60k for finishing the quests for Aran Linvail or Bodhi

    I'm leaving the precise calculation to you, but we are roughly speaking about some ~400k "per character" experience.
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 638
    and what about the quest bonuses that do not give a chunk to the party, but instead specific amount directly to each character.. that is xp lost for every free party slot..
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    There's more than enough exp in SoA to compensate. You're absolutely fine not consoling in extra xp.
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