cute widdle bunny familiar?

in BG:EE Mods
I'm wanting my Chaotic Good mage to have a rabbit familiar because cute.
I can edit familiar.2da to give me a rabbit when I cast; but when I put him in my inventory, the object is a cat, and when I release the cat, the inventory empties but nothing appears. And I can't recast the spell.
Is there an easy way to mod this? I'm afraid I might have to write a whole new spell. I don't want a hyper-powered bunny, I just want a cute little friend.
I can edit familiar.2da to give me a rabbit when I cast; but when I put him in my inventory, the object is a cat, and when I release the cat, the inventory empties but nothing appears. And I can't recast the spell.
Is there an easy way to mod this? I'm afraid I might have to write a whole new spell. I don't want a hyper-powered bunny, I just want a cute little friend.
Minus the inventory appearance, I think that is tied to what icon/s the item is using in its ITM file. The familiar turns into an item. The icons are in .bam format.
Basically the dialogue script gets rid of the familiar and creates an item in your inventory. The dialogue choice involving picking it up. It'll lead to some action
GiveItemCreate("FAMFAIR",Player1,0,0,0) //so you'll get an .ITM file, in this case one called FAMFAIR
DestroySelf() //this get's rid of the familiar, which is in CRE format.
So you might be able to make a copy of the item, and change it's icon to something more to your liking.
As for why it's not showing up after you use said item, you might have to edit in famaliar changes into the .gam file itself, which can be done with near infinity. Sometimes override changes don't affect preloaded stuff, so to speak, in saved games so manual changes are necessary.
Go to your latest save folder using near infinity and open .gam, then scroll all the way to to the bottom and change the CRE file reference in the "Familiar info" section.
Tell me if you want me to post screen shots. That's if you're using Nearinfinity anyway. Hope this helps at least a bit in any case.
I think the problem is this: The game does an alignment check, sees I have a rabbit but that I'm chaotic. So it gives me a cat. But then I have a cat in my inventory and it doesn't know what to do with that because my familiar is set to rabbit.
I've found a solution, and if I understand what you wrote, it's the same or similar to yours.
Rather than set the Chaotic Good familiar to Rabbit, I've set it to Cat and made it look like a rabbit--editing both the CRE and the ITM. The engine still thinks it's a Chaotic Cat, so that when it does the alignment check everything is cool.
And so it's working now.
It might have been easier to simply change the alignments of the cat and the rabbit--I might play with that to see what happens.
I simply made a copy of the Rabbit.CRE, called it -widdle, made the change in the Famailiar.2DA, then edited it's DLG and Script to that of FAMFAIR, or the Fairy familiar for CG?
After it was just checking everything was good in the .gam file
Making me want to make some cool Rabbit Fam too, except I want more of a killer, go for the throat variety type of of bunny...
edit: silly me just realized there was a rabbit fam already, I don't really use fams, might be better to work off of that as a base. Derp. Please don't mind me, I'ma walk away now...
Tome and Blood has a choose-a-familiar option. Rabbits are available., when you cast,you happen to see it.
Install towards end of install list. Works with all versions including EE
Or if you're up for something a bit more expansive: