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Black Pits - too hard, too fast? (Minor spoilers about a few enemies)

Preface: I have to say, the black pits have been pretty charming thus far. Especially the announcer.

But there's a huge issue. The difficulty absolutely [b]spikes[/b] once you reach the tier 2 fights. And by spikes I mean the necromancer fight was almost absurdly difficult. Took me like, three tries. The fight afterwards went pretty poorly too, with most of my party dying -thank goodness for autorez-, but then...dear goodness, the next fight seems just about impossible. If I try and get the mages down before they can cast spells I fail because they [b]will[/b] get their spells off, especially their invisbility and god knows what else as well as high damaging area nukes. Oh and then the fighters keep chopping me up, which means I have to focus on them because I can't cast anything at the casters but then the casters absolutely demolish me...

I just have to say, unless I'm making a real big obvious stupid, the difficulty of the black pits suddenly just threw me face first at a cliff and demanded I climb with my teeth.


  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    Do it with level 8 characters ^^

    They won't laugh at you any longer :p
  • FFGFFG Member Posts: 52
    nyttyn said:

    Took me like, three tries.

    three tries is nothing you're just smalltime

  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    edited November 2012
    I beat today the second full party fight (from Tier 2 I believe, after the ogre fight). Thus far I haven't had many problems, some party members got knocked out, but that's not a death state as they get back to life after each fight.

    Truly : Sleep, Web, Horror, Hold Person are all your friends. And keep either an inquisitor or Priest of Helm closeby, True Sight is a godsend (even though I never used it yet. I did abuse Seeker's Sword though)

    Edit : Also, Agganazar's Scorcher (sp?) is your worst enemy. And I mean the ones that you cast. DON'T do it D:
  • eksterekster Member Posts: 234
    Finally, a challenge! :D

    Turning seemingly impossible fights into easy 'oh my god, that's all I had to do??' fights by constantly trying different tactics and changing my gameplay is what I love the most about old RPGs!
  • DashivaDashiva Member Posts: 35
    edited November 2012
    3 tries? I'm not sure if you're serious or sarcastic... but yeah, come back when you're at about 30 tries and I might believe that it's difficult.
  • Sejer666Sejer666 Member Posts: 1
    I had an issue at level 14 where you fight the Shambling Mound and the 4 Clay Golems. From what I remember, you need enhanced weapons to damage the golems, but the ONLY thing that I could hurt them with was a 'Spiritual Hammer' from a cleric, which is +3 equivalent. Not even a weapon created from the 'Enhanced Weapon' mage spell (also +3) did damage.. there were some bug issues going on with keeping the enhanced weapons equipped too though, so that could have been why.

    What else can I hurt the clay golems with?
  • ShrimpShrimp Member Posts: 142
    I may think of the wrong kind of golem, but you may need a blunt weapon for those. Shambling Mounds are totally immune to blunt damage though, so you'll need some versatility in your weapon choices.
  • LichiLichi Member Posts: 13
    Sejer666 said:

    I had an issue at level 14 where you fight the Shambling Mound and the 4 Clay Golems. From what I remember, you need enhanced weapons to damage the golems, but the ONLY thing that I could hurt them with was a 'Spiritual Hammer' from a cleric, which is +3 equivalent. Not even a weapon created from the 'Enhanced Weapon' mage spell (also +3) did damage.. there were some bug issues going on with keeping the enhanced weapons equipped too though, so that could have been why.

    What else can I hurt the clay golems with?

    I killed golems with arorrow/bolt of bitting. I killed Mound with magic ring.

    I have now stucked Fire Gint + 4 Fire Elementals. Elementals seem be immune my arrows.(Have 2 achers in my party)
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    I can confirm : Clay golems have 100% resistance to Slashing, Piercing and Missile as well as Magic >.<
  • SarevokokSarevokok Member Posts: 171
    edited November 2012
    I never wiped on any wave, used a full custom party. A black guard with dual flails, fight/cleric, cleric, archer and two wild mages. Started off at level one with all of them. Using Core rules.

    The two hardest wave for me was actually in teir 1 with the ton of hoblogins rangers, and then the fire giant. Ughhh that dude was a monster to take down, had to just kite him while turning around to cast magic missle until he went down.
  • LichiLichi Member Posts: 13
    Ye, get is pass. But if you choose fight in end se dwars spanw forewer? I killed about 60 them before i died. Then tried again and spoken djienni immediadly. Get FIre Giant easily 2 greater malison and some arrow of polimorph.
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