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Would any PWs be feasible for a single player?

Real life has kicked in and I've had to shelve any MMOs and multiplayer activities for the time being. There's no end to amount of single player modules for NWN, but I'm wondering if there might be any PWs that allow pausing. I don't even know if this would be possible for an online activity, but, if it is, I'd love for someone to point me in the right direction.


  • pokpok Member Posts: 21
    I don't know of any persistent worlds that allow player pausing. I believe the only choice would be playing offline or hosting yourself. If you go down that road, I recommend Rhun - it has given me many years of joy when I played it, and it has a pretty neat base if you want to modify it.

    Also, as you may already know, most persistent worlds are proprietary and do not share their module file, so your options for hosting your own PW is quite limited. Tooting my own horn but my persistent world is self-hostable. However, it doesn't work right out of the box like Rhun does - you'll need Docker to host the server and you'll have to do a few special things that are documented in the wiki. Unfortunately I am quite busy rebuilding the areas with the awesome new tilesets so I hadn't made a proper release yet, but if you are interested in playing or hosting it, feel free to let me know and I'll help you however I can :D
  • DrakonDrakon Member Posts: 47
    If pausing is not a requirement, there are a number of servers that are enjoyable to solo and you can keep social interaction minimal.

    Action servers with quests like Whispers from the Abyss, Blackstone Keep, Nordock, Leonidas' Path of Ascension.

    World of Torr has a lot of intricate scripted mechanics that make exploring every corner of its zones enjoyable. It is RP but does not have many online players.
  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    Thank you for the suggestions. I wasn't sure if NWNEE had the technology to create personal instances when entering areas or not. Not just for taking the pause out of the RTwP gameplay, but because I frequently get called away from the computer. I seem to remember something about teleport stones, too.
  • EbonstarEbonstar Member Posts: 152
    we dont have pausing but we have a save function that will save your character in that spot over resets so your not replaced at the area entry. you can hit -save log out do what you need and come back to the same point although the world will continue timewise while you are gone. is where
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