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Set Framerate to more than 30 ?

Is it possible to increase the framerate for BG-EE to more than 30 ?

I have tried altering the values in Baldur.ini from :

'Program Options', 'Maximum Frame Rate', '30',


'Program Options', 'Maximum Frame Rate', '60',

But I didn't notice any difference, The game didn't seem to speed up. I also used FRAPS to measure FPS, and it measured 30 FPS all the time.

Is the frame rate in BG-EE permanently locked, even if you try to adjust it in the Baldur.ini textfile ?


  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    I don't think it increase the frame rate, but in fact it increase the speed of the in game combat mechanism.

    I might be wrong, though
  • 3leeTbger3leeTbger Member Posts: 71
    In BG 1 and 2 it did both, it should do the same in BG-EE, but don't.

    Why ?
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