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Issues With Weapon Specialization

Even when making a Fighter I seem to only be able to put 2 points into any given weapon during creation. Is that normal?


  • thomasnazthomasnaz Member Posts: 2
    Yep, that is the same way that it was in the original game. Essentially I think it's for balancing issues, but in theory you can't really have done much more than specialize at level 1.
  • DrakhanValaneDrakhanValane Member Posts: 8
    I believe it was part of the AD&D rules. It's been a while since I played second edition, but I'm pretty sure you weren't allowed to do more that specialize at first level.
  • GreatmasterBGreatmasterB Member Posts: 12
    What is very funny is that, if you start with a human rogue and you dualclass after level 2 to a fighter you can then spend all 4 points on a single weapon. That enables weapon mastery at fighter level 3 . :)
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    I think it makes sense, why would a starting character be so skilled in a weapon that he/she can pyt 4 points into it?
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    It's like the game mechanics version of "Steve, you're not the Archmage of Gastonia at level 1."
  • GoatBoySteveGoatBoySteve Member Posts: 50
    Ah, not used to it, only ever played Tutu and BG2.
  • GoatBoySteveGoatBoySteve Member Posts: 50
    Thanks guys.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    The general idea is that a fighter fresh of the training ground needs a bit of worldly experience before they can truly be said to have mastered a weapon
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