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EEKeeper not letting me add innate abilities?

ensbanaensbana Member Posts: 80
When I tried to add Improve Alacrity to my characters using EEKeeper, I couldn’t find it under “Innate” in the spell list. It’s only listed as a level 9 wizard spell. Is this normal?


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,929
    EEKeeper is not capable of changing the type of an ability. Improved Alacrity is a wizard spell in the base game, so if you add it to a character it goes into their list of wizard spells known. If you wanted to give a character IA as an N/day innate ability, you would first have to use another tool (such as Near Infinity) to create an innate ability with the desired effects.
  • ensbanaensbana Member Posts: 80
    Thanks for the answer. I have another problem: I’ve just had Edwin learning Comet as a high-level ability. But the spell only appears as a level 9 spell in his Spellbook, and not as a Special ability. Is this how it’s supposed to be?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,929
    Yes, that's how it's supposed to be with all the spell HLAs. They're additional top-level spells added to your spellbook, not innate abilities to be used a certain number of times per day.
  • SatrhanSatrhan Member Posts: 78
    SCS has a component that changes mage HLA's to innate abilities.
  • ensbanaensbana Member Posts: 80
    Thanks. I will keep that in mind for my next playthrough.
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