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Wanting To Build

Hi there!

I have been building and scripting with NWN toolset for many years. I recently have a bit more time on my hands (kids are grown(ing) up!!) and would love to build for a PW and learn to be a better builder.

PM me. Thanks


  • pokpok Member Posts: 21
    edited October 2020
    Heya, just sent you a message :)

    I'm looking for more builders myself. I'm a relatively new server host so it's been kind of hard to get some actual help on my server. Even though it's open source, it's surprisingly hard to attract some help. Anyways, I'm also very willing to help mentor and teach others how to build too! Scripting, areas, you name it.


  • KaikasKaikas Member Posts: 4
    Hey. We are a german speaking PW looking for builders. If you are interested visit us on discord:
  • PTBPTB Member Posts: 2
    Got a pw in the making so will send you a pm and see if we can make things work ?
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    We are always looking for more people to join our team

    Check us out and see if its something that you would be interested in.
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