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Why does Viconia leaves my party for good in BG2EE even though my reputation is low?

ensbanaensbana Member Posts: 80
edited October 2020 in General Modding
Viconia keeps leaving my party for good when I dismiss her, even though my reputation is currently only 14, and I also tried to use the helmet of opposite alignment on her.


Any way for me to fix this, e.g. via EEKeeper?


  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Were you in a romance with her at the time? Some romances not only break when you kick and npc, but the npc will also refuse to re-join.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,929
    Assuming no relevant mods ...

    Yeah, it's probably the romance. She leaves like that if either your reputation makes her critically unhappy, or if her local "Left" variable has been set. Some of the romance-breaking dialogue options set that variable. Others just make her leave immediately.

    Basically, don't be a completely intolerant jerk to her.
  • ensbanaensbana Member Posts: 80
    I was thinking maybe it’s the romance thing as well. I actually tried to set her romance variables active before, but for some reason nothing happened. Will try to reset them.
  • ensbanaensbana Member Posts: 80
    Hey so I tried changing these variables to 0, but it still didn’t help.



    I also tried C:SetGlobal("Left","LOCALS",2), but that didn’t help either.

    Are those the correct values for the variables?
  • ensbanaensbana Member Posts: 80
    I tried poking around with those variables but unfortunately none of them helps. I guess I will just stick with it for now. Hopefully if I don’t kick her out she will not leave for good.

    Also, does anyone know under what circumstances would Korgan leave? He’s not complained about my reputation so far, but every once in a while he’d simply drop out of the party, although he’d just stand there and not leave. When I try to initiate a convo with him he’d just say I’m not worth his time, and then something about shaking hands with his blade when I see him again. Then he’d leave for good. But if I reload the game then it’s all fine, until he does that again.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Outside of mods, evil companions will always leave if rep gets above 18.
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