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New NPCs for a First Timer?

So I've completed BG2 a few times but never BG1, for some reason i don't remember, started playing it for the first time a year or 2 ago and just stopped somewhere.

Any way my question is, being as I never fully played the first game is it better for me to stick for the first time with the original NPCs? I'm thinking of using Neera but I'm not sure.... :-/

Just a question of opinion :)


  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    edited November 2012
    It depends on your playing style and how you want to balance your party both in terms of function and alignment - Dorn's a front-line fighter, Neera's a specialist mage and Rasaad's more of a long-term investment. Add a cleric for healing and a thief for locks and traps, and you're good to go. :)

    (That said, Rasaad and Dorn are on opposite ends of the alignment scale, so I have a hard time believing they can stay on the same team for very long...)
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