Thieves Detect Illusion

Quick question just popped into my head while beating up Kalah's Werevolves and Shadows. They are illusions according to Aerie.
How does the game handle an illusion if a thief makes a successful roll to detect an illusion? For example, my Thief, Hexxat, DIs 55% of the time. What happens if the illusion is detected? I don't think I have ever seen it happen so I was just wondering how the game handles that.
Thanks, CT
How does the game handle an illusion if a thief makes a successful roll to detect an illusion? For example, my Thief, Hexxat, DIs 55% of the time. What happens if the illusion is detected? I don't think I have ever seen it happen so I was just wondering how the game handles that.
Thanks, CT
Thanks TB!
You're welcome!