Weapon effects visual bug

Hi, first time poster!
I searched online for the answer to my question but could not find it, hence why I'm posting here.
For some reason all the weapon visual effects are all wrong, ie: sonic damage displays as holy effect, holy damage displays as evil effect etc...
Is there a way to fix this? My game is stock with nothing else added (no modules).
I searched online for the answer to my question but could not find it, hence why I'm posting here.
For some reason all the weapon visual effects are all wrong, ie: sonic damage displays as holy effect, holy damage displays as evil effect etc...
Is there a way to fix this? My game is stock with nothing else added (no modules).
There was an off-by-one error quite some time ago that messed this up, but it's been fixed for a long time now.
I just downloaded this from the playstore yesterday and playstore does not show an update option.
How do I update it?
The issue is purely visual and has no effect on actual gameplay in the meantime.
While it does not affect gameplay and it is purely visual, it does take away from the role-playing element when my paladin casts holy sword/avenger (or bless weapon) and it gives my sword a red evil glow...
Is there any way I could manually fix this?
Thanks again for the responses!