Windspear Hills saga vs Alhelor, Sir Beverus, Sir Branet Al-Thon, Sir Jolus, Sir Laren and Sir Par

Hey y'all, In a game I have going, I decided not to accept Baron Winspear's cover with the Radiant Heart after slaying the Radiant Heart Knights upon entering the Windspear Hills.
Of course, when I got back to Waukeen's Promenade, I got attacked by all those guys above. I killed all the knights but the mage disappeared. Fine, except that now that I've gone back to WP, the same group attacks me again.
So, rather than run from them everytime I want to sell an item in the Promenade, is there a way around this? I am happy to take down the mage, but fighting these guys once was enough. If it were different knights, I wouldn't think anything of it.
Thanks, CT
Of course, when I got back to Waukeen's Promenade, I got attacked by all those guys above. I killed all the knights but the mage disappeared. Fine, except that now that I've gone back to WP, the same group attacks me again.
So, rather than run from them everytime I want to sell an item in the Promenade, is there a way around this? I am happy to take down the mage, but fighting these guys once was enough. If it were different knights, I wouldn't think anything of it.
Thanks, CT
You've accidently stumbled upon the best trick in the game to level up ultra fast and make easy insane money (sell the full plates) and you never lose rep. Just make sure not to kill them too fast so one of them can escape.
To stop their spawning simply head out to the windspear dungeon entrance where mr garren will once again talk to you