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BG2 EE Black Pits - Arzol attacks me immediately, is it a bug?

Hi everyone,

I finished SOA and TOB and wanted to try the Black Pits 2. However, immediately after the introductory meeting with Dennaton, as soon as I'm in the round room with merchants, Arzol attacks me for no reason. If I try to defend myself, The Winged steps in and slices my whole party (first it gives me a warning, but this doesn't stop Arzol). Can you confirm it's a bug? Any idea how to fix it? My mods are SCS, Ascension, Spell Revision, Items Revision and Tweaks Anthology.


  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    I can't remember who Arzol is, but that's definitely a bug. None of the merchants or NPCs in the merchant zone of BP2 should be hostile to you.
  • NeigeNeige Member Posts: 18
    Arzol is a NPC next to tartle. I have the same issue and I don't know why. According to the .CRE, Arzol is supposed to be neutral
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