Disintegrate/Petrify/Freeze - What loot does it destroy exactly?

It's been ages since I tested these spells/effects because I'm too afraid to miss out on anything important, but what do these effects destroy exactly?
Is it just the random part of the loot like Gold, Scrolls, Gems, etc. or can they destroy unique items too, e.g. components for Cromwell/Cespenar items, unique magic weapons like Celestial Fury, etc.?
It kinda sucks that a lot of cool stuff like Black Blade of Distaster is basically unusable unless you know exactly what your opponent(s) are going to drop.
Is it just the random part of the loot like Gold, Scrolls, Gems, etc. or can they destroy unique items too, e.g. components for Cromwell/Cespenar items, unique magic weapons like Celestial Fury, etc.?
It kinda sucks that a lot of cool stuff like Black Blade of Distaster is basically unusable unless you know exactly what your opponent(s) are going to drop.
But being careful you can then turn him to flash again, and as he will have a single hp it is easy to kill him with a no save fast spell like a magic missile before he has time to heal.
Then not only you can recover all the loot from his corpse but you get double kill xp, once when you turn him to stone and once when you actually kill him (it is even possible to turn him many times to stone and then to flash to get potentially infinite xp
I am not completely sure, but I think that disintegrate and freeze destroy all the loot but items that are fundamental for the main quest.
Wait are you serious? 100% sure? And it hasn't been patched yet?
Did a quick google search and the last info I found was from 2013 and resulted in a bug report.
I'm not sure what you mean here. In the original game destruction of loot (other than plot critical items) happened all the time in the case of disintegration, a petrified object being destroyed or someone being chunked by cold damage. The EE deliberately changed this to give you the option of not destroying loot, i.e. it's a design choice and not a bug.
Sorry for the late response. What I mean by that is that when I googled it, I found a discussion from 2013 that resulted in a bug report. I'm not saying that I, personally, think it's a bug.
However, I don't understand why a design choice should be tied to the 'Gore' option specifically. There is nothing in the description of the option either. If Beamdog wanted to give the player the option to disable the loot destruction effect of Petrify, Disintegrate, etc. they could have just made a specific option for that.