Problem with the import save's from BG2 ToB to BG2 EE - please help

Hi! First, I'm sorry to my english, Is't good, but I hope you understand me 
I have very good hero in BG2. I finished BG2 Tob a many times and I want continue this adventure. I have a problem with import my save to BG2 EE. How I can do this? I know, in EE authors changed the source code and save is't compatible. Please help me becouse I don't want to start all over again.

I have very good hero in BG2. I finished BG2 Tob a many times and I want continue this adventure. I have a problem with import my save to BG2 EE. How I can do this? I know, in EE authors changed the source code and save is't compatible. Please help me becouse I don't want to start all over again.
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