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If this had an animated series, what should it be like?

lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
Like should it be a game adaptation? Or more loosely based on the stories like the novels were based on the games? A sequel to BG2? BG1 prequel? Should it tell the story of random characters, like how the crooked crane lich took up a dwelling in the tavern at the gate district of Athkatla? Or Ribald Barterman before he retired from adventuring? Maybe a less intimate type of story focusing on whole factions instead of single characters like what the harpers, or shadowthieves or order of the radiant hart are doing during the events of BG1 and 2?


  • AsaBMAsaBM Member Posts: 85
    I think a loose adaptation could work very well if done right. Comparing the film adaptation of The Shining to the much more direct miniseries, for instance, you see why some changes work better for their medium.

    Of course, if the cartoon was really long (thinking like Dragon Ball Z levels), then a faithful adaptation would be really cool, following the story closely and including several side quests.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Somewhere halfway between Bakshi and Avatar - The Last Airbender.
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