Neera Romance (Most likely spoilers)

I got the "Thin skin"-part in my journal after a conversation with Neera, and since, she hasn't spoken to me, and it's been about 20 in-game days (two hours or so out-of-game time), and she "has nothing to say to me" when I try to initiate conversation. Have I screwed up the romance?
Even if they did wanna leave the romance open for Bg2, it should have been longer. I was pretty sure it was bugged since it was so short, but apparently not. Romance has finished and i hadn't even started cloakwood xD
I guess what's most disappointing is that communitymade romance mods are deeper and more fleshed out than this, and they're usually made by one or two people alone and without funding.
The romance went from "Hi, I'm Charname, them red wizards look dangerous" to "kissy kiss kiss" with nearly no conversation in between.
A popular song comes to mind.. "I just met you, and this is crazy.. but here are my lips so kiss me, maybe"