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Frustrating to say the least.

So I, like a lot of users I believe, have been experiencing terrible issues just trying to get this game downloaded. I've had the BGEE stand alone installer fully downloaded till the day of release and then it's crashed and refused to start downloading again even hard reboots. The beamdog launcher has a nasty habit of becoming incompatable with my version of windows after a restart, and even when that doesn't happen it looses the download progress (even though the files are still there) and tells me that there is no space left on the drive and willl continue to do so untill uninstalled (I think it has something to do with seeing the files already partially downloaded?).

Dev help has been understandably slow, but I'm getting rather frustrated at all the different things that seem to go wrong trying to download this. What surprises me most is how many different ways I can seem to loose my previously downloaded data (even if it was complete). I'm downloading again from stratch for about the dozenth time and I have both ports open suggested by the devs (although the speed is still only about 124 kbs. I have to constantly restart the beamdog download too as it drops off and then stays off.

I'm really getting to where I don't think I'm going to be able to download this is any timely fashion. If I can't download it in one sitting it won't remember the progress and even then I'm not sure it would work right. This is terrible for a pre-load and I'm really just wishing there was an easier way to go about getting these files as I've partially downloaded this thing so many damn times now.


  • SpaceLion2071SpaceLion2071 Member Posts: 7
    Also, I'm not really an angry orange person, but I can't seem to find where to change my avatar to a more suiting (probably Jim Cummings voiced) character portrait.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    have you scanned your comp for virus/malware? i would suggest spybot: search and destroy and trend micro online scanner. something about what you're saying makes me think that there's something running on your comp that shouldn't be. maybe do a msconfig and try it?
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I sympathize with your frustration, @SpaceLion2071. I was lucky to get mine up and running only a few hours late. During those few hours, though, I posted about my own frustration. People need to vent.

    Give it a little bit of time, and I'm sure it will be working for everybody. Once it's working, the game looks really good. Hopefully, in a few weeks, all the frustration going around will be a distant memory.
  • SpaceLion2071SpaceLion2071 Member Posts: 7
    I'm incredibly careful about where I go internet wise and what applications I run, but yeah, I did the whole anti virus thing just to make sure. Kaspersky PURE 2.0 hasn't been able to find even a minor threat and I've had good dealings with Kaspersky over the last few years.

    Really the worse part of this is how many times I've had the re-download the same thing. For whatever reason neither of these launchers seems to be able to get a good handle on what you've already downloaded. This appears usually after a crash (which they do often, both of them) or a reboot.

    Just last night I got the BGEE to about 95 % it crashed and would never do anything more than "downloading info..." and got the Beamdog launcher to 50%, but this morning it gave me the No Space error again. I really think the beamdog launcher is looking in the folder and seeing files already downloaded and this is causing some error. I even paused the downloaded before exiting the launcher last night and hoped that would have some effect.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    ummm, maybe just stick with one or the other, if you're using both, that might be causing an error somewhere that it sees the files in a different loc. i'm not the greatest at computers, but maybe delete both versions, or just the beamdog version, open the stand alone and let it run and see what it will do without running the other downloader.
  • etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
    mine also keept crashing with client and installer... what I did was. dl it though a Torrent file. then i put the content into the beamdog client game folder, pressed "install" in the client (30 sec) since it already was downloaded. and then i could play with no problems.
  • SpaceLion2071SpaceLion2071 Member Posts: 7
    Bjjorick, currently I only have the Beamdog installer going. I'm not sure if they're conflicting, but I wondered that too. I have uninstalled the BGEE standalone.
  • SpaceLion2071SpaceLion2071 Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2012
    The download isn't that big even if it's mostly crawling at 50 kbs now, my issue is that it constantly stops and needs me to manually pause and unpause the download to get it to start.
    Using a Linksys router (with ports open) and my ISP is Pinnacle (probably not the best ISP by a long shot.)

    Did anyone else have trouble with the downloader hanging? The BGEE standalone did this to me yesterday (and last week pre loading) as well.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    i used stand alone and it hung up once during pre loading, so i had to close it, and restart it and it verfied all the files and finished the preload. then they increased the preload size, and it took awhile to start downloading again.

    then yesterday i played with it for about 3 hours before it finally downloaded.
  • SpaceLion2071SpaceLion2071 Member Posts: 7
    Etagloc, I've heard people have success with the torrent, but I'm reticent to put a torrent (my choice would be uTorrent) on this computer as I really don't have need of torrents (Thanks GOG!) for old games anymore. Heh, trying to keep this new laptop nice and tidy.
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