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3 pc's behind home router, constant random kicks

so we now have 3 versions of EE on 3 separate pc's at the house since we got screwed on true cross-platform....
now we have a problem where randomly, one of the 3 is getting disconnected.
is there some sort of port change i need to make on each separate machine or th like?


  • QuilistanQuilistan Member Posts: 187
    I run three machines and a sever and have ran one more machine on top of that from home with no issues. Just so you know it is possible.

    Do you have enough bandwidth? and can your router handle it?

    I run the PC's that play on a hard line (not wireless).

    I don't know a lot about networking, and I didn't really have to do anything fancy. It was several years ago I setup my newest router and I remember having to do something with the ports, but not much.

    Perhaps someone else knows the proper router settings?
  • ChreelisterChreelister Member Posts: 30
    I remember having to change the ports, when playing multiplayer from the internet, (like, all 3 of us playing the same PW server), don't remember if it was necessary for LAN play, though. I think default is 5121, and we changed each one, to a lower number, like 5120, 5119, etc. Also we had to have each unique CD Key, which sounds like you got already or you wouldn't be getting to play at all.
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