Age rating?

I'm having trouble finding out age rating/age appropriateness info. We are a D&D family, and my husband loved the original BG games, but I never played. I want to get this new version for him and possibly my son for their birthdays next month. My son will be 11. He hasn't played many video games (minecraft, a few family wii games, lots of Pokemon on his ds), but he has played lots of D&D. In your opinion, is this game too intense for an 11 year old?
There's references to alcohol, prostitution and sex and obviously violence... but you don't get to see any nudity or sex, it's text only. very rare, and easily avoidable. For blood and gore, there is an option to turn off gore (at least in the original, I haven't looked at the EE's options yet.)
Personally, I don't think it's too much as I started playing it when I was 13.
i think this is a great game personally, and i played much much much worse when i was that age, and i read worse, and tv/movies? lol
Edit: There's a 'gore' option in the Gameplay menu, to disable the more gory combat animations.
that said, Baldur's Gate is very, very tame. minimal graphic violence, next to no screwing, not many words stronger than "damned." a story where the bad guy wears a giant suit of Darth Vader armor everywhere he goes and deserves what's coming to him. your kid might get bored at the sheer amount of unvoiced text to read, but ruination will come there none.