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Can someone explain exactly what is happening with strength bonuses, or is this a bug?

ShiftyGuyShiftyGuy Member Posts: 10
At 19 str It shows in thac0 window:
Base thac0: 20
*Weapon* to hit: -4
Strength: -3

For a total of 13 thac0.

At 21 str it shows:
Base thac0: 20
*Weapon* to hit: -5
Strength: -4

For a total of 11 thac0.

Now, my question is, where is the extra -1 coming from? The difference between 19 and 21 strength should only be 3+ to +4.

Is this a display issue or am I missing something? Thanks.

Edit: Looks like this whole window is just totally unreliable, hope this gets fixed asap.

More info:
Post edited by ShiftyGuy on


  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Do you wear the Gauntlets of Weapon Skill or something similar by chance?
  • ShiftyGuyShiftyGuy Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2012
    No, all this is tested on a lvl 1 fighter with no other equipment.

    Edit: Can provide screenshots if needed.
  • Silverspirit2001Silverspirit2001 Member Posts: 14
    Are you specialized in the weapon?
  • ShiftyGuyShiftyGuy Member Posts: 10
    Yes, but it does the same thing if you are not.
  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    STR 20 is probably incorrectly giving another -1 to hit. Thats an error that will need to be corrected.
  • ShiftyGuyShiftyGuy Member Posts: 10
    It does it every time btw, not just from 19>21.

    21>23, 23>25 etc all add the extra thac0. I assume the same thing is happening for the lower strength ranges also, but I haven't tested it fully yet.

    This would account for a lot of the discrepancies in the extracted thac0 if true.
  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    If you can, please test the lower str ranges. The Thaco table might be seriously messed up.
  • ShiftyGuyShiftyGuy Member Posts: 10
    I wouldn't get too worried about this btw, I'm fairly sure its just a display issue for the extracted thac0 display. The character sheet seems to be reporting it correctly as far I can tell.
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