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Did a recent NWN update break the Journal?

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I have a quick question regarding my PW that I recently brought back a month ago - the player journal will break at some point (meaning you press J and none of the entries show up). I use the journal to log PW features, rules, patch notes, etc.

It breaks for both players and in DM mode - the journal appears on fresh server restarts, but at any point after subsequent logins, it will stop appearing.

I had the PW up back in 2018 for a few months when NWNEE first released and as well during old NWN times (2004-2005) and I never experienced this issue!

Is there any chance that a patch within the past year could have broken something? I didn't touch anything in my mod related to journals :frowning:


  • WilliamDracoWilliamDraco Member Posts: 175
    Something changed with setting the journal entry. I've seen people comment that they now need to set "AllowOverrideHigher" to TRUE (it's one of the parameters of AddJournalQuestEntry() function) in order to get their PW journals to go back to what it used to do.
  • SalvanusSalvanus Member Posts: 43
    It worked! Thank you! They added that 6th flag at the end!
  • Knight_ShieldKnight_Shield Member Posts: 55
    edited December 2020
    Could you elaborate more?

    I usually do this for pw rules .

    AddJournalQuestEntry("spells", 1, oPC, FALSE, FALSE);
    AddJournalQuestEntry("feats", 1, oPC, FALSE, FALSE);

    Since update , the first time you login you can see them in your journal.
    Any login after and they aren't there in the journal.

    EDIT: AddJournalQuestEntry("feats", 1, oPC, FALSE, FALSE , TRUE); ?
    Post edited by Knight_Shield on
  • drillerdriller Member Posts: 17
    If adding the sixth flag doesn't work. Call RemoveJournalQuestEntry() first, then AddJournalQuestEntry().
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