Will the Mac OS X-native version be free of the Intel chipset graphics issues?

Hi - I pre-ordered the Windows version of BGEE, so that I could run it on Windows 7 under bootcamp on my mid-2012 i7 Macbook Air (which only has integrated Intel 4000 HD graphics), but experienced fairly poor graphics performance (slow panning, some tearing, lagging wit AoE spells), probably due to issues with poor Windows OpenGL driver support for Intel chipsets, as reported elsewhere.
Can anyone confirm whether the Mac OS X native version will work smoothly on Macs which *only* have an Intel 4000 or 3000 chipset (i.e. most modern Mac laptops, apart from high end Macbook Pros)?
Can anyone confirm whether the Mac OS X native version will work smoothly on Macs which *only* have an Intel 4000 or 3000 chipset (i.e. most modern Mac laptops, apart from high end Macbook Pros)?
But... if is not compatible with Intel graphic card is non compatible with Mac OSX (all macbook Air, perhaps 80% of macbook pro and every iMac entry level)
OpenGL isn't that great in Windows because it's a second class citizen. In OS X it's the only graphics API.
I've also heard (no firsthand experience) that Intel's drivers are better in OS X anyway.
There is a minor graphics glitch at startup where the game window flickers white, however clicking on a button stabilizes it and when playing the game is OK.
See my screenshot below from a macbook pro 13" with core i5 and intel HD 3000 graphics.
Hope this helps.
BGEE is installed in a dedicated windows vista bottle, in the default install path.
Again, there are a few issues with the game (ref. flickering white screen, and game going fubar after alt tab) but otherwise it works fine.
What issues do you experience ?
1) The most game aren´t ported for mac, they are using wine translating directx to opengl and losing pretty performance.
2) Fast and bad ports.
3) They are using higher version of OpenGL than windows version. Run nice on strong cards, but slower on old and weak cards.
Anyway, HD4000 is capable to run Mass Effect 3 to 1080p 30-40 fps, and sluggish on this game? no way