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Unsummon Familiar?

Are there are way to get rid of my familiar? It's stuck as a sword spider form and can't recast it's polymorph spell, I want it to morph to a teddy thus it can bash open locks :P


  • FouneFoune Member Posts: 53
    Check it's special abilities if it can transform to normal form, or rest to wait for the spell to run out. You can also talk to it and place it in your pack, just press the talk button in the ui and click the familiar.
  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
    Foune said:

    Check it's special abilities if it can transform to normal form, or rest to wait for the spell to run out. You can also talk to it and place it in your pack, just press the talk button in the ui and click the familiar.

    I can't it's all greyd out, so it can't use any special abilities, else it would normally just morph back when the spell runs out, but it's massivly bugged!

  • FouneFoune Member Posts: 53
    Then talk to it and place it in the pack and resummon it by right-clicking the item in the pack, then it should be reset.
  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
    Foune said:

    Then talk to it and place it in the pack and resummon it by right-clicking the item in the pack, then it should be reset.

    Nope, just comes out as a spider again, alredy tryed it. /sob!!!

    Killing it just gives me a -1 con ><

  • FouneFoune Member Posts: 53
    Can you use it's polymorph spell again after resting? Or perhaps cast the Find Familiar spell again, but it might be that it only works once. And yeah, killing it is not recommended as you lose -1 con permanently.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    How did you polymorph it to a sword spider? I tested a LE familiar and they've needed the sword spider to a regular spider. I want my sword spider back!
  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
    Rested a zillion times, nothing.

    Just use the Polymorph spell => use special ability => click Sword Spider icon!
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Mungri said:

    How did you polymorph it to a sword spider? I tested a LE familiar and they've needed the sword spider to a regular spider. I want my sword spider back!

    Oh is it just a normal spider in BGEE? That's a relief, the Sword Spider in BGT was totally OP.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    HexHammer said:

    Rested a zillion times, nothing.

    Just use the Polymorph spell => use special ability => click Sword Spider icon!

    Its not a sword spider anymore in BGEE, its a regular spider, at least on my Imp.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Mungri said:

    HexHammer said:

    Rested a zillion times, nothing.

    Just use the Polymorph spell => use special ability => click Sword Spider icon!

    Its not a sword spider anymore in BGEE, its a regular spider, at least on my Imp.
    That's actually a relief, do you still get the grey ooze?
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    edited November 2012
    You still get the 100% magic resistance ooze so its still useful, but on the familiar at least the sword spider was changed to a regular useless spider, and the haste removed. In ooze form though I still killed Firebead with my LE Imp, but do do that you need to start as a mage, wheras my actual main character will be dual classing from a swashbuckler.

    But the OP is somehow getting a sword spider? Maybe it scales with level.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Mungri said:

    You still get the 100% magic resistance ooze so its still useful, but on the familiar at least the sword spider was changed to a regular useless spider, and the haste removed. In ooze form though I still killed Firebead with my LE Imp, but do do that you need to start as a mage, wheras my actual main character will be dual classing from a swashbuckler.

    Why? Have you not found any Find Familar scrolls yet? I'm going to play as a fighter/mage multi, so was going to take this as a pick anyway, though probably Neutral Evil for RP reasons (and more HP from the familair until TOB)

    But the OP is somehow getting a sword spider? Maybe it scales with level.
    That would be quite cool, if true, it's not so OP at higher levels
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    edited November 2012
    Regarding scrolls for Find Familiar:

  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
    Oo ..would have sworn it read sword spider ..well must check once I get it working or make a new game!
  • Medivh1234Medivh1234 Member Posts: 95
    btw anyone know of a familiar table?
  • Medivh1234Medivh1234 Member Posts: 95
    or is it different now from before ? just wondering
  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
    Ack!!!'s a normal spider /sob!!!

    LE fam has a hidden regen, you can see the high lvl stats at BG 2 chart.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    HexHammer said:

    Ack!!!'s a normal .

    It's for the best, a hasted sword Spider would be so OP in BG1 (as is the Grey Ooze, really)
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