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spawn enemies to fight?

is there any way to spawn creatures to fight? I know there is a "dm_spawncreature" command but it adds the creature to your party like it was cant attack it even if you set the faction as enemy. Does anyone know a way to do it? Thanks


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    there are realistically only 2 ways you can do this;

    in chapter 2 there is a monolith that you speak with to go to a bonus dungeon of sorts, its the monolith thingy were you have to use the phrase; NETHER SHALL RULE ALL

    if you get the phrase wrong, then you can summon 1 or 2 skeleton warriors ( depending on your level ) each time you get it wrong and they will be hostile and you do get XP for fighting them, if you aren't invisible and you are quick mcgraw on the keyboard draw, i was able to get the answer wrong 5 times in a row before the skellies started attacking me ( because once you are in combat regardless of who starts it you can't initiate dialogue so you can't speak to the monolith until you killed the skellies )

    so something like this;


    if you are invisible then you can get it wrong as many times as you want before you fight the skellies ( although if you do it too much your game might crash ) i kept it at getting the answer wrong 50 times and summoning 100 skellies, there may be some lag but if you can survive those shenanigans then you are good to go, this is probably no doubt the best "spawn grinding" spot in NWN

    your only other option is in chapter 3 when you go inside the snow globe and depending on which side you choose you are either fighting infinite hostile dwarves or nymphs, the only problem here is that by the time you get here their XP will be very low and you will need to destroy an ass load of them ( in theory you can work your way up to were the spawn in and just chill right there blasting them away, but you might only be getting 4-5 XP per kill at that point )

    other than that, there is nowhere else you can grind for XP, so at that point if you really need some you can just use the cheat console to bring some in i guess
  • LeonDeGammeLeonDeGamme Member Posts: 32
    What cheat console are you talking about? That may be what I’m looking for.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    edited December 2020
    A simple script will do it.
    void main()
     CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "resref", GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF));

    This involves a trivial use of the toolset. Make a new module. Click the preview icon. Browse the creatures in the right-hand palette to discover the resref you want. Open a new script. Paste the code above, editing the resref. Save the script as (say) monster.

    With the toolset still open, copy monster.ncs from modules/temp0 to override. Close toolset.

    Now in game debug mode you have the console command

    ##dm_runscript monster

    which will work in every module.
  • LeonDeGammeLeonDeGamme Member Posts: 32
    Thank you for the response
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