[SPOILER ALERT] Darkness over Daggerford: complete quest guide

Not sure if such stuff is allowed here, so I'll leave it up to moderators - please delete the post if it breaks forum rules. My sincere apologies in this case.
I've recently completed the _full_ Darkness over Daggerford quest guide and want to share it with anyone who may be interested. Wrote it in PDF format (hoping it is convenient enough for all). Links to this PDF are under spoiler tag.
Why I’ve made this guide? When I started Darkness over Daggerford, I searched the web looking for the list of quests availablle in this module. I like to check such guides from time to time to be sure that nothing important is missed. So, speaking of Daggerford, I’ve found only one _detailed_ walkthrough (by Lilura1), but it turned out that her guide actually ends in the first third of the campaign: arriving at Gillian’s Hill. So at this point I began to gradually record the events happened to my character after Gillian’s Hill. The result is on the links above.
Hoping it is helpful in one way or another
I've recently completed the _full_ Darkness over Daggerford quest guide and want to share it with anyone who may be interested. Wrote it in PDF format (hoping it is convenient enough for all). Links to this PDF are under spoiler tag.
Link 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IACpVd5rA0t6rO1txhGML5j_ZKuF4xeN/view
Link 2: http://www.tortikoff.ho.ua/DoD_Quest_Guide_eng.pdf
Link 2: http://www.tortikoff.ho.ua/DoD_Quest_Guide_eng.pdf
Why I’ve made this guide? When I started Darkness over Daggerford, I searched the web looking for the list of quests availablle in this module. I like to check such guides from time to time to be sure that nothing important is missed. So, speaking of Daggerford, I’ve found only one _detailed_ walkthrough (by Lilura1), but it turned out that her guide actually ends in the first third of the campaign: arriving at Gillian’s Hill. So at this point I began to gradually record the events happened to my character after Gillian’s Hill. The result is on the links above.
Hoping it is helpful in one way or another

I'm currently playing Darkness over Daggerford (just finished with quests in Liam's hold: getting stronghold, dealing with vampire & Bhaal's priest, etc) & I have to say I'm very grateful for your guide that I found after so much search. I know the guide is old, but I came across a couple of things so far that I thought you might want to know & perhaps add them to guide.
1st: in quest "Jouka's Awl"; you can get the item form crafter hut without turning the lizards hostile. there is multiple Gourds inside the hut that you can interact with, if you pick the option to drill a hole in them then hut will start to flood & the lizardman will leave, letting you get the item without hostilities.
N.B: didn't find a way to free "the ungrateful" Lenaia without turning lizards hostile, but guess killing a whole village of evil lizardmen isn't a bad thing.
2nd: Regarding Raegan conversation. there was a final conversation that apparently you didn't get, perhaps due to not levelling enough, but more likely related to "influence" system. I have been "save-scumming" as some people call it before talking to companions, testing all options & finding best ones. I got a final conversation with her (& it even had 2 influence option not just one like all previous conversation. she talked about her escape from prison & how she thought that this was against Helm since he is all about respecting the law (though picking the 2 influence options; 1st telling her that escaping prison is bad or something like that then telling her however she had to & that Helm wouldn't mind since she was wrongly imprisoned) I was able to convince her & she decided to try & communicate with Helm. he answered her, telling her that he understand & that unjust imprisonment is the greates injustice ever& telling her he forgive her but she need to go back & bring justice to those thieves. she agreed tot that but after finishing her quest with my PC.
N.B: so far I got 1 less conversation from Purfbin & I though I did something rong since 1 conversation didn't have any influence option but seem according to your guide that I just need to reach Illefarn to get it.
Thank you very much for your great hint and info on henchmen backgrounds. I am still there, just react much slower than before
I've put your Gourd hint and Raegan's tale to the Guide, the links abow now should lead to updated versions. Great that someone still using it.